Russian comedies! Now we are talking!!!

These are the classics, and for any well rounded Russian education you have to see at least all of them, prefereably twenty times in a row.

I have even ordered them from "easy to understand" to "hard to understand", totally free. Most of these are made by the famous Russian comic film director Gaidan!

"операция ы" - operation "y". Three short films with little talk and more slap-stick. A classic!
"служебный роман" - Work romance - a fantastic film! A worker falls in love with his female boss, a lot of conversation.
"Иван Васильевич меняет профессию" - Ivan changes jobs - Ivan the terrible goes to present day moscow (1970s). Hilarious!
"кавказcкая пленница" - Prisoner of the Caucasus - Shurik (the main hereo of Operation Y and Ivan changes jobs) goes to the Caucasus!
"бриллиантовая рука" - Diamond hand. Contraband in the USSR!
"ирония судьбы" - Irony of fates - Only in Russia New Year's tale of living in the same exact same apartment number, on the exact same street in a vastly different city. And the key fits!
"формула любви" - Forumla of Love - One of my absolute favorites. A Italian mystic travels to Russia to discover the forumula of Love. This one requires to high level Russian skills to understand. But it is one of the best films I have ever seen!!!