Quote Originally Posted by Dobry
You can find it with English subtitles, and you can order it from Russian-American stores on the internet.
I did a little on-line search and found that there have been two subtitled DVD releases already, the first was apparently botched, and the second one is of decent quality.

I dont know if I could truthfully *recommend* it for viewing for it has zero entertaining value. It is educational, all right, but I dont think anyone in his right mind can *enjoy* it. I watched it long time ago, and back then I wasn't prepared to see this. It f-ed me up good, or maybe I was too young and impressionable.

A movie like this is not likely to come out of any modern studio, the directors and producers would be sued and jailed. Firstly, the kid was allegedly hypnotized for some scenes because he could not take it: the movie was shot chronologically to build up the tension. For other scenes the director admitted to have used live ammo, so the actors could feel what it's like to be on the receiving end, I guess. The guy was your regular Russian mental case on a mission, and after the movie had been released, he retired claiming that he had nothing else to say.

And yes, btw, I checked on the imdb, SPR has "come and see" among references, so the movie connections are official.