Quote Originally Posted by chaika

If a cop spots you starting to enter Red Square and shouts Эй, налево! would you know what to do?
a) Бегай!
б) "Чего? Ну, ладно. Сколько "штраф"?"

If you sit down on a park bench and a lady on the next bench says Не курите! would you know how to answer?
Ах! Давай курим что-то силнее, баба! Гашиш хочешь?

Get yourself in good physical shape. You will be walking 2-4 miles a day. Not kidding.quote]
You're right of course, but you'd have to be a)handicapped or b)a totally and hideously obese lard-arse not to be able to hack that. It's not running the Boston Marathon (this coming from someone who wasn't exactly a physical specimen prior to go to Piter and walking to the 3 or 4 miles to school and back everyday). Otherwise, I think you're spot on, all my snide remarks aside.