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Thread: If I was to take a trip to Russia

  1. #1
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    If I was to take a trip to Russia

    I was wondering, what would be a cheap place to live for a small time. there was a thread that 200$ for 2 weeks and to me that seems very expensive.

    Are Rubles worth more than USDs'?

    I hear that people will hurt, rob, Americans or even kill us. Is this true?
    If so is there a way around this? possibly looking Russian? is there a certian style that I should choose so this dont happen?

    My school might send me there to study and depending on how well I do, I might be there for 2 years.

    "My native friend from St Petersburg says Americans and Russians dont think the same, but dont worry us Russians are great peoplean dyou'll learn that we have a great sense of humor" what does he mean? is there a way of thinking or something to work this out? Is his comment even true?

    And is there anything I must absolutely need to know before going? dont worry I have plenty time to plan/study/gather funds.any help with this Is highly appreciated.

    balshoi spacibo

  2. #2
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    Re: If I was to take a trip to Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Krist
    I was wondering, what would be a cheap place to live for a small time. there was a thread that 200$ for 2 weeks and to me that seems very expensive.
    Are you out of your mind? If you think 200 bucks for 2 weeks is too much, then you need to stay home mooching off your parents. Seriously. If that freaks you out (and that's a REALLY cheap rate) then I'd hate to see what you'll do when your airplane ticket costs 800-1400 dollars.

    Are Rubles worth more than USDs'?
    Jigga-what? I don't have time to give you an economics lesson and explain the concept of currency exchange, so let's just say "no."

    I hear that people will hurt, rob, Americans or even kill us. Is this true?
    The Putin administration has instituted a new law that says every citizen must beat at least 3 foreigners per year. Multiply that by 140 million, and you'll see that you're chances of dying are pretty good.

    If so is there a way around this? possibly looking Russian? is there a certian style that I should choose so this dont happen?
    Wear clothing. Nudity will get you nowhere (ask Kalinka Vinnie for pointers here). Also, make sure to wear shirts that have large flags of the country you are from on them. Oh, and definitely buy one of those fake militsia hats, too.

    My school might send me there to study and depending on how well I do, I might be there for 2 years.
    You won't last that long. Trust me. No foreigner can hack Russia for more than a year without a break. Especially you.

    "My native friend from St Petersburg says Americans and Russians dont think the same, but dont worry us Russians are great peoplean dyou'll learn that we have a great sense of humor" what does he mean? is there a way of thinking or something to work this out? Is his comment even true?
    Russians aren't like Americans. That's why they took out Lenin's brain -- he was the first Russian to have one, and probably the last. They mostly have gills in the place of brains. Thus, they are completely different than you and me, and it shows, by their serious expressions and glares on the street.

    And is there anything I must absolutely need to know before going? dont worry I have plenty time to plan/study/gather funds.any help with this Is highly appreciated.

    balshoi spacibo
    Good, because writing "balshoi" is liable to get your arse kicked.

    Now that I'm through being a totally jackarse, please try to read up on this yourself a bit. Google is very good for this sort of thing. Don't just come to a forum and expect us to plan your trip for you. Allow me to demonstrate:
    Correct: Does anybody know of a flat available for the year in ______? I've checked ______, ______, and _____. Are there any other places I can find this information?

    Incorrect: His Guyz. I'm mAybe Gonna Gooo 2 Rocsia N' I'd like TO know what I NEED to no abut that place.
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  3. #3
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Well, housing for $100 a week in Russia is a bit expensive Barm-boy. Maybe not for you, being the emperor of Kanadia... It all really depends on where in Russia you are gonna be staying...

    And don't worry about being killed in Russia, they are too busy killing each other to notice foreigners.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
    Well, housing for $100 a week in Russia is a bit expensive Barm-boy. Maybe not for you, being the emperor of Kanadia... It all really depends on where in Russia you are gonna be staying...
    I'm assuming he wants to go to Moscow or St. Pete, not Boris the bum's hovel in Anadyr or something...

    And don't worry about being killed in Russia, they are too busy killing each other to notice foreigners.
    Unless you are black or Asian. Then you're pretty much screwed.
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    Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.

  6. #6
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    Re: If I was to take a trip to Russia

    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Krist

    I hear that people will hurt, rob, Americans or even kill us. Is this true?
    If so is there a way around this? possibly looking Russian?
    Yes, as in every country, a foreigner is an easy prey for some fu*kheads!! You should watcha or yal be hurt!!! (anyway, the chance of being beaten is very small, look at things easy, take cool and just relax)

  7. #7
    Увлечённый спикер
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    if you'll come to Russia, looking like a scared rabbit and with the tail between your legs, then you WILL be treated like one...

    and don't worry, Russia is NOT a jungle <:P

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by RussianHoney18
    if you'll come to Russia, looking like a scared rabbit and with the tail between your legs, then you WILL be treated like one...
    Good advice RussianHoney!

    And I laughed my a** off at Barmaley

  9. #9
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Of course you shouldn't be a scared rabbit, but you should be aware a little of certain things, that can happen.. that does not nessesery mean that they will happen of course.

    There r stories about people, mostley black people, in Russia that get killed, or badly beaten. So you shouldn't be a scared rabbit but just be careful to some extent.
    Не плюй в колодец, пригодится водицы, напиться.

  10. #10
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    I suppose there is some organization (school, university, company...) that has invited you to Russia and it's their responsibility to take care of you i.e. to provide you with housing, guidance etc. I think it isn't a good idea to travel to Russia on your own without steady knowledge of Russian language and culture.
    Единственное, что люди любят давать бесплатно - это советы.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bisquit
    I think it isn't a good idea to travel to Russia on your own without steady knowledge of Russian language and culture.
    That's for sure!
    Не плюй в колодец, пригодится водицы, напиться.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dobry
    but I actually feel safer on the streets of Petersburg than I would in any major American city.
    Bingo. I felt safer wandering around SPb (and Russia generally -- excluding Moscow) than I did DC or LA.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bisquit
    I suppose there is some organization (school, university, company...) that has invited you to Russia and it's their responsibility to take care of you i.e. to provide you with housing, guidance etc. I think it isn't a good idea to travel to Russia on your own without steady knowledge of Russian language and culture.
    Exactly. They may make claims on paper, but when the sh*t hits the fan, guess who gets really dirty? He needs to be completely capable of standing on his own two legs when it comes to things like finding his way around, reading a map, riding the metro, and speaking rudimentary Russian. Don't think for a minute this like a cruise where the world revolves around you and your every need/desire is provided for. You'll be on your own a lot, regardless of whatever support they may offer, so you need to know what the hell you're talking about. And quite frankly, any program that takes you with no Russian background is one to avoid, because it just shows that they are in it for money and money alone.
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  13. #13
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    Can you give us some more details about your possible plans? Will you be homestaying, dorm, or apartment? Have you ever traveled internationally? Have experience dealing with or living in other cultures? Also, are you learning Russian? If you

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sir Krist
    I talked to the school I pay $10,000 for 2 years,with my scolarship and all the junk. I qualify for apartmant I think at $450 a month and this covers food.yes Im learning Russian I finnished pimsluer Russian II(working on III). I will be rooming with people that already know the language. No, I have never traveled internationaly. I have a great amount with dealing with other cultures

    I wasnt afraid,to me the visit would be an adventure . but just in case you can never be too prepared.

    ROFLOL many funny comments!! Thankyou, so i dont have to buzz my head and wear a huge Russian flag on my shirt and listen to Russian music really loud.
    I think this is a horrible idea, quite frankly. You don't want to go for a 2 year block of time. Is the 450/mth on top of the school fees? And what school do you go to that offers such a program -- both in Russia and your home insitution in the US/wherever?
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remyisme
    Quote Originally Posted by Bisquit
    I think it isn't a good idea to travel to Russia on your own without steady knowledge of Russian language and culture.
    That's for sure!
    I understand what you

  16. #16
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    Before immigrating to US despite the fact that I had spent 3 month in USA 8 years before this I asked my relatives, who already lived here, very stupid questions, some of which they still remind me of making fun of me. And I was an adult that time already.

    So, don't be so harsh on Sir Krist.

  17. #17
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vesh
    So, don't be so harsh on Sir Krist.
    Absolutely not, I agree. We all must start somewhere, and I

  18. #18
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    thankyou dorby,Vesh, everyone

    since there will be a few Native Russians I might not have to worry too much, but as to respect I ll do my best to learn. a guy who returned from there said It was very hard cause he no Russian experince at all but he added try your best and you'll be fluent in no time at all.

    At my work I occasionally get to speak to Russians and I do my best to speak as much Russian as possible.

    I've come to the knoledge that Pimsluer isnt all that it cracks to be, they need a pimsluer 4,5,6 I think cause it seems that they focus on tourism all the time and dining.

    I have plenty of time in july or October I might send in my papers either way I have to send them during October and it takes 3 months to get them in.

    I can still turn around since my papers arent in, with no money loss at all.

  19. #19
    Завсегдатай kalinka_vinnie's Avatar
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    Dude, if anything, don't listen to Barm-boy, he is full of youknowwhat .

    Go to Russia, you will be ABSOLUTELY FINE. You don't need to studay umpteen years and speak the language backwards to go there. It sounds like you will be taken care of a host family, so you are really set. A head start is always useful, it makes the shock easier to bear. But you are doing the right thing, the best way to learn the language is to go there. That is what I have always said, that is what I always say and that is what I always am going to say ((c)собачье сердце).

    When you go to Russia your school will take care of you and put you probably in one of the lower level classes (which is fine and not a big black hole for money as farmely would say ).

    DOn't be afraid of being mugged or anything, just keep a low profile don't wander around drunk in the streets in the middle of the night, and DO NOT RUN DOWN THE STREET NAKED. RESIST THE TEMPTATION.

    10k for 2 years is fine. Which city is this?

    Good luck!!!
    Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
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    Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!! ))

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
    Dude, if anything, don't listen to Barm-boy, he is full of youknowwhat
    Really? Please explain that to his parents when he goes insane or dies. Look, I'm not saying he shouldn't got to Russia. On the contrary, I think that's absolutely great. What I am saying is that he should have some farking common sense. Don't go with zero background in Russian and don't go for 2 years at a time without having a clue what you're jumping into. He should go for a summer, a semester, or MAYBE, and I repeat MAYBE, a year. Two years is nuts.
    Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.

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