Im back again!!!
I went back a few and reviewed the pimsluer russian II I am on Russian dics 3 part 6--my question is am I even close to a year yet?? I know some things that arent mentioned in the cds yet, and I've come to be able to sell at my job well, using it

my friend that I write to help with my skills in Russian and I help her with English keeps saying this in almost all of her emails..."write and do not overlook." and I am very glad that you to me Пишишь(what does this word mean "Pishish'" I keepting that it means "write" kinda like pis'at)

one thing thats bugging me is after "he/she" you dont use "his/her" you use "ones" place like he wants to live at ones place/ oh hotchet zhit u sebe domoy, I think this is correct or am I thinking k sebe domoy

any help at all is highly appreciated
spasibo vsegda!