Quote Originally Posted by Vincent Tailors
There are other meanings for these words, but most are based on context and... very importantly, location.
"These is a west gates of port cities Bal Harbor, new citi wolls would highest and mere stout. A busy main street run from here to the distant square" you must not call "bad English"? If you do, I'll point to your own opinion about "meanings and other stuff can vary from Los Angeles to Brisbane"?
You also are missing two main forms of any language... Formal (usually written, more technical)... and Colloquial (usually spoken, more common... more 'everyday' language)

On a more direct point... I've heard countless debates, sometimes over several bottles... as to who speaks "true Russian"... Muscovites, Petersburg, Tomsk, Odessa, Kiev, those living along the Road of Bones, Kamchatka, Vladivostok...

Again... language will vary with dialects, context, vocabulary, location... and time. Consider Greek... and the now dead language of Latin.

I can't believe I'm giving such a fundamental linguistics lesson. Time for a beer and a siesta.