
Please read my last post... just edited.

Yes, you did call Americans dumb, including joking about Bush.

Jokes, satire are O.K. with me, but sometimes they go too far... "over the edge" (off the edge of a cliff), we sometimes say here.

I appreciate your thoughts on what you think I should be reading... but your opinion became too strong... this is a difference in our general cultures... if you were my professor I would listen closely... but...

... as two strangers in an art gallery, would you listen to me if I say "Svar, stop looking at this painting, it's dumb! (a painting that pleases you very much, gives you joy or understanding)... Svar, you must go look at this other painting!"

How would you think?

This is my main meaning, for how I interpreted your messages. I did not see your messages as recommendations... I saw them as demands. Your style of English. I'm not criticizing, but giving you my 2 men sharing thoughts over that open bottle.