Once again I was caught breaking the rules by our brave road traffic code enforcing policemen, and my wallet got lighter by the Russian equivalent of a hundred bucks. I was told that I had crossed the line, the solid white line while overtaking. Well, the line might have been there once, there might be traces of it left there still, but I didn’t have my microscope with me to pinpoint its exact location and as usual those people were of no use arguing with. I was facing a driving license revocation for several months, but the good old bribe helped the mix-up be fixed right on the spot. So the question is: isn’t it good to have a corrupt police sometime? Generally speaking there was no offence on my part: there was no visible solid line, the were no other cars around other than mine and the one ahead of me moving at 40km ph, no danger whatsoever for me to maneuver the way I did, but had the procedure gone by the book would it have been fare to deprive me of one of the basic human rightsfor such a piffling misdemeanor?
What are the ways and habits concerning road police – driver interactions in your part of the world? What are the penalties? Do you really do 40mph when the speed limit is 40mph?