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Thread: Hello! How do Russians feel about Western culture?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Hello! How do Russians feel about Western culture?

    How do young Russians (up to 29 years) feel about the West and Western culture, music, movies, fashion, political rights and liberties etc? Im doing a project on this for university and would be grateful if people could take a few minutes to fill out the questionnaire below (also as an attachment) or post comments on how they feel about the West:

    Young Russians and the West
    Please answer the questions below and feel free to contact me with any
    questions or comments to Any additional
    comments would also be very useful.

    When you've finished filling this in please send it back to me at or post a reply on Thank you for taking the time to fill this out - very much


    Gender: Male/Female

    1) What countries do you consider as 'the West'?
    2) Do you see a difference between Western Europe and America/USA?
    3) Do you think of Russia as being a Western or Eastern country?
    4) What languages do you speak? Which foreign languages are taught
    in school and are they compulsory/ optional?
    5) On a scale of one to five (one being most positive, five being
    most negative), how do you feel about the West in general?
    6) What are your favourite movies?
    7) What are your favourite TV programmes?
    What are your favourite bands/singers?
    9) What do you think of Russian young people's style? Is it Western
    fashion or distinctively Russian? Do you prefer the 'Western' or the
    Russian look?
    10) On a scale of one to five (one being most positive, five being
    most negative), how do you feel about Western lifestyle?
    11) Do you feel you have anything in common with Western young
    people? If so, what?
    12) Do you feel there are any differences between Russian and
    Western young people? If so, what?
    13) What do you like most about Western Europe?
    14) What do you dislike most about the Western Europe?
    15) What do you like most about America?
    16) What do you dislike most about America?
    17) Do you think that Russian young people have more or less freedom
    (socially/ politically) than young people in the West?
    1 For what reasons might young Russian people be proud of their
    19) What, if anything, would you like to change about your country?

    Judith Richards,
    MA Student in Central and Eastern European Studies,
    University of Glasgow,

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Er, I would dump the email address, before you get spammed to death with porn and offers for teh sexy whizzkee mIRaclE drugz. Oh, and Russian "women" offering to marry you. Let people either just post or PM you.
    Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.

  3. #3
    Старший оракул
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    On a scale of one to five (one being most positive, five being
    most negative)
    I would say we, Russians, are more accustomed to five being most positive and one being most negative
    Please correct my mistakes if you can, especially article usage.
    My avatar shall be the author I'm currently reading.

  4. #4
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    Re: Hello! How do Russians feel about Western culture?

    Age: withheld

    Gender: Male

    1) What countries do you consider as 'the West'?
    Those situated in the Western Hemisphere

    2) Do you see a difference between Western Europe and America/USA?
    I certainly do.

    3) Do you think of Russia as being a Western or Eastern country?
    Cannot answer. Please define "Western/Eastern country".

    4) What languages do you speak? Which foreign languages are taught
    in school and are they compulsory/ optional?
    I speak English, German, a bit of Danish, Afrikaans and some dialects of Russian. Languages tought: English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese, Italian, Finnish (in some schools in St Pete). In all schools one foreign language is compulsory. In some schools two (more) foreign languages are compulsory.

    5) On a scale of one to five (one being most positive, five being
    most negative), how do you feel about the West in general?

    6) What are your favourite movies?

    7) What are your favourite TV programmes?
    News, Tweenies

    What are your favourite bands/singers?
    Myself (when taking a shower)

    9) What do you think of Russian young people's style? Is it Western
    fashion or distinctively Russian? Do you prefer the 'Western' or the
    Russian look?
    It's distinctively Russian. I prefer the Russian look.

    10) On a scale of one to five (one being most positive, five being
    most negative), how do you feel about Western lifestyle?
    2.5 please define 'Western lifestyle'

    11) Do you feel you have anything in common with Western young
    people? If so, what?
    Biologically we're the same species.

    12) Do you feel there are any differences between Russian and
    Western young people? If so, what?

    13) What do you like most about Western Europe?
    That it's dirt cheap.

    14) What do you dislike most about the Western Europe?
    Its unreliable public transport system and poor state of its denizen's teeth.

    15) What do you like most about America?
    The fact that I haven't been there yet so it's still kind of wrapped in mystery for me.

    16) What do you dislike most about America?
    Nothing really.

    17) Do you think that Russian young people have more or less freedom
    (socially/ politically) than young people in the West?

    1 For what reasons might young Russian people be proud of their
    Our artists, poets, sportsmen, scientists...

    19) What, if anything, would you like to change about your country?
    Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask

  5. #5
    JB is offline
    Старший оракул
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    VM is at least 20 years too old for your survey
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  6. #6
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    Age: Far to 29.
    Gender: Male. No waver.

    1) Those which are to the west of my left half.
    2) Geographical.
    3) In the midst.
    4) a. Russian, English, German, a bit of Spanish.
    b. It depends.
    5) We have inverse system. Still mine evaluation will fit, it's 2.5.
    6) Cube.
    7) I hate TV. It's brainslacking.
    Definitely, not American ones.
    9) Everyone tries to look like s/he feel themselves.
    10) 2.5
    11) Yes. Everyone's one people.
    12) See 11.
    13) It's amusing that it's not all the time to the west of my left half!
    14) You should turn yourself accordingly.
    15) Inhabitants dare to think that their language is "American".
    16) McDonalds invention.
    17) They don't think about these things. Therefore, I think "more".
    1 They're clever and they're poor.
    19) Wrong question for me. I'm not a patriot. Why? See 11.
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  7. #7
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    Да, говорю американский!
    Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.

  8. #8
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    It's language form, not a language itself.
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  9. #9
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    Это было американско-русский язык. :P
    Но, спасибо -- моя ошибка.
    Заранее благодарю всех за исправление ошибок в моём русском.

  10. #10
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    A friendly reminder: язык is of masculine gender.

    Ah, most of us here speak either Runglish or Americussian.
    «И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by JB
    VM is at least 20 years too old for your survey
    Excuse me, JB, but you're hardly the only person on this forum who knows how old I am yet it was you, you and no one else who decided to butt in and provide an opinion that had hardly been asked for. Why you?
    Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask

  12. #12
    JB is offline
    Старший оракул
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    Because it's so much fun to push your buttons
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  13. #13
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    Lady, you drive this beast of a machine here by pulling at a lever, not by pushing buttons.
    Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask

  14. #14
    Почтенный гражданин BabaYaga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    Lady, you drive this beast of a machine here by pulling at a lever, not by pushing buttons.

    Oh, both usually work as well......
    Ой, голова у меня кружится |-P ...... and my brain hurts too....

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