Maybe you didn't holf it steady enough and that's why it's an ugly scar? Repeat with more pressure and with a steadier hand and let us know... :wink:Quote:
Originally Posted by DDT
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Maybe you didn't holf it steady enough and that's why it's an ugly scar? Repeat with more pressure and with a steadier hand and let us know... :wink:Quote:
Originally Posted by DDT
LOL, DDT, you animal! :lol: I am going to brand my future spouse with my initials.
Your future spouse is going to be USDA certified? :oQuote:
Originally Posted by basurero
I cant see your branding iron. Are you crouching or sitting on a horse??Quote:
Originally Posted by DDT
It's hard to see, but the guy crouching is holding something -- the branding iron -- against the calf.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chuvak
So DDT, where were you during the 70's and 80's? If you hung around rodeos much you've probably heard of my step-father; Sandy Kirby. You know him?
I never paid much attention to the rodeo scene.Quote:
Originally Posted by Layne
But according to google your step dad was:
You won't see a branding done like that in Texas!! Note the two horsemen holding the calf by ropes to the front and hind feet. These guys are nevada Buckaroos not cowboys.Quote:
All-Around Cowboy:
Sandy Kirby 1976
Sandy Kirby 1979
Bareback Riding:
Sandy Kirby 1976
In Texas and most other places the rope is taken off the calf and then the calf is held down by two stupid guys willing to do it! :D
I'm crouching. The branding iron is parallel to the ground. The haze is smoke from burning hair.Quote:
Originally Posted by Chuvak
Don't do it! What if she likes me better? I don't want her all marked up :DQuote:
Originally Posted by basurero
I was a real fugging idiot when I did that to myself. :oops:
Тебе придется смотреть имя "басуреро" каждый раз увидишь ее задницу.Quote:
Originally Posted by DDT
Нет, ты меня вдохновил! :lol:Quote:
I was a real fugging idiot when I did that to myself.
Тебе придется ВИДЕТЬ имя Басуреро каждый раз когда ты будешь СМОТРЕТЬ на ее задницуQuote:
Originally Posted by basurero
Originally Posted by Chuvak