Johanna, is it a deep-fried CHOCOLATE bar???? Am I right? Have you ever tried it?
And what's that yellow stuff - is it some kind of pastry? Wow.. Just.. wow.
I'm just really impressed. Great thread!

Blood pudding does not look very nice, but we also have various kinds of sausages made of blood ("кровяная колбаса" or "кровянка"), and I can imagine the taste. It looks familiar, and thus not scary. )
And rotten herring... I'm speechless again. Is it really rotten, or it's just a marketing trick? Apart from the disgusting name it looks pretty much like any salt fish we regulary eat here.

The most disgusting Russian food, as many foreigners insist, is "холодец" (a kind of meat Jelly)).
Unfortunately any foreign visitor is almost force-fed with it, though Russians themselves eat it rarely, mostly as a traditional holiday snack (goes well with vodka, he-he).

Actually, it's not that bad. I like it with mustard, this dish is a bit tasteless on its own. But the last time I ate it was at least a few years ago. So yes, people do not cook it very often.

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