Quote Originally Posted by Eric C. View Post
The Syrians themselves want neither the dictatorial bastard nor jihadists. They want some peace and civilization. They probably want their country to become something like the U.K. or Sweden some day. (Deleted. L.)
Well in that case, let them get there themselves, like the UK did, and like Sweden did.
Neither country was occupied or had civil wars that anybody else interferred in.
Nobody came and told the UK or Sweden how to do democracy (to the extent that it exists in either country). We figured it out ourselves, and it took a long time.

You are absolutely speculating and I think it varies a lot what they want. Some there are Moslems, and might prefer "Sharia", others might be happy with the "Baath" philosophy of Assad, which is apparently a mix of socialism, market economy and moderate Islam. They have both branches of Islam there. Some are Orthodox Christian and might have other preferences.

If you look at the EU today, it is NOT a model for a lot of people. Do you really think these Moslems and faithful Christians, admire teenage pregnancies, gang rapes, gay pride parades, out-of-control teenagers, unemployment and sink estate gangster culture that's rampant in Europe today?
It's not admired by the Chinese, by most Russians and even millions of people in the EU itself, just for starters.