Quote Originally Posted by UhOhXplode View Post
Have you been to Detroit? There's so many innocent people dying and so many houses being torched! When is Assad going to bomb America and save those people? Or should it be Italy?
Or how about they fix their own problems.
It's completely different in the U.S. The easiest example I can think of is, how about you being put behind the bars for saying there are some miserable households in Detroit? Would you be saying it's a free country then? That's what that dictatorship used to be like (and now it's not coz it's too busy with the war) - not only did it make people's lives miserable, but it also told them HOW to live and WHAT to think.

Quote Originally Posted by UhOhXplode View Post
I'm confused. Are you talking about the cannibals, the ones that were slaughtering civilians, or the ones that launched the bomb at the civilian bus?
Maybe it was just bad photographers cause i totally did miss the angel wings on the rebels or anyone else fighting over there.
Did you notice the third side I mentioned? It pretty much includes all of the categories you're talking about. They're as nasty as the dictatorial regime thugs are, I agree.

If you're a rebel fighting for a better way for your country, fighting against the oppressive system, why in the world would you turn into a cannibal or attack civilians??? That doesn't even make sense.

And by the way, I'm no big fan of Obama either.