When I was growing up my father sometimes at a weekend morning made French toasts. In a typical Russian family the principal cooker is a mother, so the time when a father prepares some food becomes memorizable. These French toasts we called as "eggy bread" but only few days ago I've become aware of the widely used name "French toasts". My awareness have originated from tricky cobweb of coincidences: 2003 invasion of Iraq, French opposition to such an invasion, renaming of "French fries" to "Freedom fries" in US opposition to the French opposition and finally the Ice Hockey Championship in Switzerland! So, how these events were tied? There were funny "Power Rankings" (as of May 1) for Ice Hockey teams where the US to French opposition were recalled in terms of the "Freedom fries". Seeking for the meaning I've found that that lovely eggy bread is called as the "French toast".