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Thread: clothes

  1. #1
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I have a question to everyone on this forum, to people from different countryes; where r your clothes made in? You know when you go to buy clothes to a store, inside a cloth there's always such a little peice of material that says "made in..." i really would like to know where r the european clothes made in, and the Russian ones too.

    I mean do your countryes, buy the clothes from other places(countryes) or they make them themselves?

    I hope you understand my question.
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  2. #2
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    My socks were from Turkey, when I bought them at the Russian market...
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  3. #3
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    Gandalf: Tell me what is written on that ring?
    Frodo: I seems to me it's "Made in China".

    Most of clother available to average Russians are made either in China or in Turkey. Home textile industry in a deep crisis since they can't compete with Chinese clothes.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barmaley
    My socks were from Turkey, when I bought them at the Russian market...
    And now they're from America!
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  5. #5
    Почтенный гражданин Volk's Avatar
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    If you wear a lot of popular brand sports gear it's more than likely your clothes will come from 3rd world countries (is that the politically correct term these days?).

    A lot of people don't realise this until they look at the label, which could be in the store or years later after many washes.

    The shirt I'm wearing now has this written on the label:

    64500 ST JEAN DE LUZ
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  6. #6
    Почтенный гражданин BabaYaga's Avatar
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    Mostly Chinese. The Belgian government has had to put quota on the import of Chinese textiles - which had risen by almost 500% this year - as the local manufacturers were on the verge of getting into serious trouble.

    Europe has now ordered Belgium to get rid of these quota by... ehmm.... 2008 or something (don't remember exactly)....

    They call it the free market.

    I call it a money grabbing exercise.
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  7. #7
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    hmm, in Israel too 99.9 % of clothes and not just clothes r made in china...

    What about the toys and the dishes and other stuff? r they made in china too in your countryes? how about america?

    What about all the russian factoryes? that worked back in USSR? do they still work?

    Also My brother has been to america, and he swears he saw a pair of jeans someplace which said "Made in Israel", do you have any Israeli clothes there at all?
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  8. #8
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I think I've seen a few clothes made in Israel, its not near as popular as China though. We aslo get alot of clothes from many other small countries, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, etc. I have some machinist's tools at work that are made in Israel, they are of very fine quality. I saw a program on television the other night about companies that are keeping their operations in the US. One shoe manufacturer said their labor costs were (I think) 50 times higher than their other factories out of the country. It was worth it to them though for the much faster delivery times and consumers will typically buy american made producs if they get a choice (they usually don't). Its also very popular for companies (particularly banks) to direct their phone calls from customers to India, which the customers don't appreciate at all. The ones that keep their call centers in the US are gaining a competitive edge despite much higher costs.

  9. #9
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Layne
    I think I've seen a few clothes made in Israel, its not near as popular as China though. We aslo get alot of clothes from many other small countries, Bangladesh, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, etc. I have some machinist's tools at work that are made in Israel, they are of very fine quality. I saw a program on television the other night about companies that are keeping their operations in the US. One shoe manufacturer said their labor costs were (I think) 50 times higher than their other factories out of the country. It was worth it to them though for the much faster delivery times and consumers will typically buy american made producs if they get a choice (they usually don't). Its also very popular for companies (particularly banks) to direct their phone calls from customers to India, which the customers don't appreciate at all. The ones that keep their call centers in the US are gaining a competitive edge despite much higher costs.

    The funny thing is that here in Israel, we don't have any Isreali clothes at all, that means that the Israeli clothes you have r made here but sold to your country. If I'll tell people here that there are Israeli clothes in the world they will never believe me, cause they r 100% sure there is no such a thing!

    everything we have here is mostely mostely made in China, I had an argument with certain person once, cause she thinks, everything in the world is only and only made in china. I tryed to tell her, that my days back in Russia, we had mostely Russain clothes, that were made in Russia. that our toys we played were made in Russia, I mean who can forget the good old russian toys?!

    Once me and her been in a Russian toy store here in Israel and i looked ata the toys that, looked just like America(ether chinease) toys and it says on them, "Сделано в Беларусии" just like that in Russain, but she just kept arguing with me, saying "China, China!"

    My brother just told me he seen, clothes from few countryes in US, he bought himself a sweatshirt, made in Jordane, he seen some clothes made in Mexico too.
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Remyisme

    Once me and her been in a Russian toy store here in Israel and i looked ata the toys that, looked just like America(ether chinease) toys and it says on them, "Сделано в Беларусии" just like that in Russain, but she just kept arguing with me, saying "China, China!"
    Was she by chance American? It seems like EVERYTHING here is from China. Mexico also has a fair chunk of some sectors, too.

    And Layne, while I sympathize with what you're saying, I think you're crazy. The bottom line for the bulk of consumers is COST and NOT origin. To use a dated rap reference, it's all about the Benjamins, baby. You may be part of a small group that makes their purchases based on principle (ie not supporting the Chinese regime, supporting American workers, opposition to sweatshop labor, punishing Mexico for its lax emmigration record, or whatever), but you are most assuredly in the minority. Wal-Mart would not exist as we know it, if people weren't willing to buy foreign consumer goods en masse. Your shoe company may be successful (and more power to them!), but they are essentially serving a niche market, not the market as a whole. Oh, and Indian phone-calls suck b@llen. Besides, all they (*cough*Dell*cough tell you to do is format your hard-drive and start over, just not in understandable English.
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  11. #11
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barmaley
    Quote Originally Posted by Remyisme

    Once me and her been in a Russian toy store here in Israel and i looked ata the toys that, looked just like America(ether chinease) toys and it says on them, "Сделано в Беларусии" just like that in Russain, but she just kept arguing with me, saying "China, China!"
    Was she by chance American? It seems like EVERYTHING here is from China. Mexico also has a fair chunk of some sectors, too.
    no she was not she was Israeli.

    I just can't believe that American clothes and other countryes' clothes r all made in China. what about their own? Do your countrys create anything on their own? without buying it from China?

    And also, I believe the real stuff like Versace, etc' definately made in Italy isn't it?
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  12. #12
    Почтенный гражданин
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    In the USA there are many clothes with labels saying made or manufacured here in the USA. Mostly I see these labels in suits, blouses, shirts, sweaters and scarfs for women and girls. Every hat and every purse or wallet I see has a label that says made in China except for 1 hat I saw that was labeled made in Italy. Of course there are clothes made in Mexico, Guatamala, Egypt, Vietnam, India and other countries. Often there are American manufacturers and clothes designers who contract to have their clothes made in another country. I've seen some jeans in the USA that were made in Russia, I think by Apollo maybe. Frequently I mail clothes to some friends in Russia and in Poland. I try to find those that are labeled made in the USA because I think this is what they want (so far I have been correct ). In general the clothes I see in the USA that are made in another country (except European countries like Italy) just do not look cool. For example I've seen clothes for women and girls made in India or Vietnam that may be considered beautiful there but just sit on the racks or shelves here until they are marked down to almost nothing.

  13. #13
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I remeber back when wal-mart had paper bags they used to say on the side "We buy american so you can too". You're right of course, cost is the big issue. I think if you asked most americans would they buy american or chinese producs assuming the cost was competiteve they would say american. Would they actually check the labels? I doubt it. Its rediculous though, we all have enough money here to pay a reasonable price for stuff, we don't need 4 cent tube socks. I'd be perfectly happy to pay $1 for socks instead of 4 cents if it keeps the economy from going into the toilet. I don't understand why people won't pay $1 for a sock but they'll pay 40k for a pick-up truck that cost $500 or less to make. I wouldn't buy an american car even if it did save the economy because they're crap. Its not the makers fault though, if consumers will pay a premium for crap then why give them anything else? Personnaly I love BMW's but will never buy a brand new one because they too are absurdly overpriced.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Layne
    I think if you asked most americans would they buy american or chinese producs assuming the cost was competiteve they would say american. Would they actually check the labels? I doubt it. Its rediculous though, we all have enough money here to pay a reasonable price for stuff, we don't need 4 cent tube socks. I'd be perfectly happy to pay $1 for socks instead of 4 cents if it keeps the economy from going into the toilet.
    Exactly. Nobody cares enough to even look. They see a shirt, look at the price tag, and go to the register. Maybe if there was a hardcore push for the public to buy American (which would basically have to be a massive government propoganda campaign) and the price was pennies, then you MIGHT convince them to buy those American tube socks. But 4 cents vs. 1 dollar? You're nuts. No way in hell is anybody goingto pay more UNLESS they are a)incredibly fashionable or b)life-time guaranteed or something.
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barmaley
    Quote Originally Posted by Layne
    I think if you asked most americans would they buy american or chinese producs assuming the cost was competiteve they would say american. Would they actually check the labels? I doubt it. Its rediculous though, we all have enough money here to pay a reasonable price for stuff, we don't need 4 cent tube socks. I'd be perfectly happy to pay $1 for socks instead of 4 cents if it keeps the economy from going into the toilet.
    Exactly. Nobody cares enough to even look. They see a shirt, look at the price tag, and go to the register. Maybe if there was a hardcore push for the public to buy American (which would basically have to be a massive government propoganda campaign) and the price was pennies, then you MIGHT convince them to buy those American tube socks. But 4 cents vs. 1 dollar? You're nuts. No way in hell is anybody goingto pay more UNLESS they are a)incredibly fashionable or b)life-time guaranteed or something.
    It's because people don't really care where the cloth is made, they say this is doesn't matter, because they all look the same, and if it's cheaper they will buy it because of that.
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  16. #16
    Старший оракул
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    The same thing here, at my location - complete domination of Chinese and Turkish clothes.
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  17. #17
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I just have one more question, what about the brand like Lee, Lee Cooper, Levi's, Diesel etc' in America and Europe, are they made in China too?
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  18. #18
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    Most of famous brands here are made in China too. My new Wilson tennis shoes are from China. They are licensed by W., but I'm not afraid of Chinese goods. Well, Sprandi (purely Chinese trademark) are really slippers, not for sports. Computer parts are 100% from Eastern Asia, but not only Chinese (Taiwan, Singapore, Indonesia, seen something from Philippines).

  19. #19
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    Made in China.

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