Quote Originally Posted by Юрка
Quote Originally Posted by Ramil
There are about 20 millions of muslims in Russia which makes about 13%.
30% is the total quantity of people of non-orthodox confessions (Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists and others) There are some number of atheists too.
Вас послушать - так у нас религиозная страна. 20 миллионов "мусульман" - это надо понимать как 20 миллионов человек, принадлежащих к нациям, у которых традиционной религией считалось/считается мусульманство. Тоже самое про православных: 70% - это, мягко говоря, лукавые цифры. Но эти цифры устраивают религиозных вождей. Правда - не в их интересах. Наверное поэтому они отказались от выяснения реальной религиозной самоидентификации населения во время последней переписи.
You may be right. According the latest population census (2002) there were about 14.5 million people who declared that they profess Islam.


Orthodox christians - 86.5% (about 126 millions) I think this figure includes atheists.
Muslims - 10% (about 14.5 millioins)
Armenian-Gregorian - 0.8% (about 1.1 million)
Pagans - 0.5% (about 670 thousands)
Catholics - 0.35% (about 480 thousands)
Lutheran and Mennonites - 0.3% (about 430 thousands)
Buddhists - 0.25% (about 380 thousands)
Yahud (Jews) - 0.15% (about 230 thousands)
Unknown ethnical groups and unspecified - 1.15% (about 1.5 million)

Here's another article:

My point is, though I am an Orthodox christian myself, that as soon Russia declares itself a secular state it must not show any religious preferences including religious holidays.