20/05/2005 - 20 мая 2005.
20:05 20/05 2005
20/05/2005 - 20 мая 2005.
20:05 20/05 2005
"...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)
Great! Another interesting date was also this month: 05/05/05.
"Happy new year, happy new year
May we all have a vision now and then
Of a world where every neighbour is a friend"
Doesn't work for Americans, cos they write 05/20Originally Posted by Lampada
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When it was the New Year 2002 you could read it from either end.
~ Мастерадминов Мастерадмин Мастерадминович ~
hey administrator, numbers that can be read backward and forward such as 2002 or 3003 is called a palindrome. Same thing goes with words
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