Yes, this is exactly what I meant with квадратные черты лица.
Okay, some new questions.
1) I was wondering what verb do you use to describe the proccess of putting something consisting of very small parts into a container or something? The good substances to illustrate that "consisting of very small parts" are sand, powder, etc. I would use сыпать in Russian for that.
2) I was watching a movie today and saw a ceiling dropping down powder. I was thinking about using to flake off, but I think it's more of an action when something breaks off in flakes. I would use сыпаться in Russian for that.
3) How can I express пить залпом in English? What is пить залпом? It's when you're trying to drink something down without any pauses, like to breathe in or take a short break. It's like when you try to drink something down in one huge sip.
4) What is your phrase for мышечная память? This is a type of a memory when your mustles move in the same way without you realizing that because you have repeated that movement a huge amount of time. The good example of that is all the mouth movements we use to pronounce sounds, you don't have to make a deliberate effort to reproduce all the mouth movements needed to utter a sound, word, sentence etc correctly, in fact you don't even think about those movements, you just do them automatically.
Okay, that's it for today. Thanks in advance for all your great help