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Thread: Need some help with an official transcript of an American University.

  1. #1
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    Need some help with an official transcript of an American University.

    I am translating a number of documents, including a official transcript of a student's career at Colgate University.
    There are a few points in the transcript that I do not understand.
    The transcript (with the personal data redacted out) is available at
    First of all, the first two lines in the list of subjects taken by the student say "Core".
    I understand that some subjects or classes may be considered or officially classified as core (as opposed to optional), depending on what you are majoring or specializing in. But I have never heard of a subject NAMED "Core". Some insight will be appreciated.

    Second, under each semester, there is a cell in the table that says something like "Cal. No. of c'rse" (at least it looks that way to me. "c'rse", presumably, stands for "course". But what does "cal." stand for? Or is it even "cal."? The quality of the scan is very poor, but it is the only one available.

    And, thirdly, the grade for the J-1 project (in Education, the freshman year) says "S". The question is, what does "S" stand for? Success?

  2. #2
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    The transcript is oddly organized and hard to figure out, so this is speculative.
    I assume English and Social Studies are core courses for the degree but for some reason the word Core, although not a subject, appears in the subject column; "required" would do just as well. Cal. seems to mean catalog, as courses are listed in a catalog with a number. "S" probably means satisfactory, as the course is most likely pass/fail and isn't graded.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Thanks, Sperk, that was helpful, even if only speculative .

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