Job is done!
These 3 texts are from the game `Sakura Angels`:
1. (Protagonist thoughts) I can feel the stagnant, freezing air all around me, enough to incite a shiver out of me every once in a while.
Situation: Protagonist dreams a nightmare about place which seems to be void. It lacks for anything. So, this `emptiness` fears him.
- How can be rephrased `to incite a shiver out of me`? I probably understand meaning of it saying `he is so frightened that getting a shiver from time to time`. Am I right or there is another meaning?
2. (Protagonist thoughts) Unable to find a comb, I settle for just flattening my hair down with my hands. Blinking into the mirror, I'm left staring back at someone with messy, black hair. ...Eh, it's close enough.
- How someone can `Blinking into` the mirror? What does it mean?
- No ideas about `I'm left staring back at`
- What is `it` in `Eh, it's close enough`?
3. (Protagonist thoughts) Then again... I can't really be bothered to scale all the way up to the roof when there's a seat right before me. And, it might be a wasted journey if for whatever reason, people are up there. The table it is.
Situation: Protagonist came to dining room at school. He saw a lot of mess of people here, so he pondering about going to roof and eat there.
(Don't remember, was it before or after this Text) But he noticed a table with someone familiar to him, so he can seat with him, but don't want it too much.
- What does `be bothered to scale all the way` mean?
- Does ` if for whatever reason` mean `in any case`?
- How can `be up` be translated in `people are up there`? Does it mean `crowded with people`?
- What's with grammar in `The table it is`? Why `it` was used after `The table`? How can it be so and what does it mean?