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  1. Re: знал бы прикуп, жил бы в Сочи

    Thanks for corrections, Sarochka, they are very helpful!I'm so embarassed for those stupid mistakes of mine with have/has and several other ones. :oops:
  2. Re: знал бы прикуп, жил бы в Сочи

    Btw, sperk, I would be very flattered if I was you. Such a smart and beautiful girl as Оля is thinking about you right before going asleep! :wink:
  3. Re: знал бы прикуп, жил бы в Сочи

    May be sperk have some telepatic abilities? But they should be very strong ones, since it's worked through half of the globe! :D
  4. Re: знал бы прикуп, жил бы в Сочи

    There is another one that means the same:
    "Знал бы где упасть, соломки бы подстелил."

    They both means: " If only I knew that before!"

    And if you want an explanation about the first one, it...
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