
Type: Posts; User: sprty100; Keyword(s):

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  1. I completely agree :D Russian is a beautiful...

    I completely agree :D Russian is a beautiful language and that's one of the reasons why I am trying to learn it. Sometimes it would be nice to blend in, but I would be just happy being who I am...
  2. I agree that the older you are when you start...

    I agree that the older you are when you start learning a new language, the smallest your chance of speaking the language without an accent. However, I think that the statement is a little negative...
  3. I know that there are many more basic words than...

    I know that there are many more basic words than just hello and welcome. Right now, I would prefer to start with words/phrases that I can use to communicate in Russian. I work at a hotel and we have...
  4. Yes, sometimes I think that it's kind of sad that...

    Yes, sometimes I think that it's kind of sad that I cannot speak a language without a foreign accent but at least I speak more than one language. :D

    On a different note, what would you guys...
  5. Of course I don't do it on purpose. I guess that...

    Of course I don't do it on purpose. I guess that since I moved to the united states, I speak english more than french and when I go back to canada, they can hear the english accent. Funny don't you...
  6. Hello Dillen, My name is Sara and I too wish to...

    Hello Dillen,
    My name is Sara and I too wish to speak russian without an accent. However, that will probably be impossible since my first language is french and I speak english with a french accent...
Results 1 to 6 of 6

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