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Thread: Hi everyone. I am glad that I was lucky enough to find this site.

  1. #1
    Новичок kotofey's Avatar
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    Hi everyone. I am glad that I was lucky enough to find this site.

    Hi everyone!

    I really want to find a person who studies Russian. I'm sure I could be useful for person like this. If somebody helps me in field of my studying English at the same time then I'll be really happy.

    A little bit about myself.

    My name is Kostya. I'm from Sain-Petersburg, Russia. I am not so young (I'm forty seven to be honest). Despite my age I have decided to study English. By now I have been studying English for two years. I try to study honestly, but I only do it on my own. For this reason I haven’t got enough practice.

    If this mutually advantageous way of getting language practice is interesting to you too (I mean a kind of Skype conversations or something else) then please reply me. I'll be glad.

    Thanks in advance,
    Kostya (kotofey).

  2. #2
    Властелин Valda's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forums! Your English is top-notch. Only had 1 noticeable mistake, and it was a location mistake

    I really want to find a person who studies Russian. I'm sure I could be useful for person like this. If somebody helps me in my field of studying English at the same time then I'll be really happy.
    And it's a mistake you get to overcome through practice, not through textbook, so you're in a good place.

    У меня нет времени для такой вещи как СКАЙП, но иногда я войду на чат и голосовой чат... Вы приглашены участвовать
    "Особенно упорно надо заниматься тем, кто ничего не знает." - Като Ломб

    "В один прекрасный день все ваши подспудные знания хлынут наружу. Ощущения при этом замечательные, уверяю вас." -Кто-то

  3. #3
    Новичок kotofey's Avatar
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    Thank you for your note, Valda.

    To tell the truth, to write a long letter to someone it is much easier than to tell somebody a few words. I mean my English of course.

    I've already understood that this place is very good. It's only necessary to convince other members that I can not only receive their help for my own purposes. But to give them help, back. It is pity that my offer interested nobody. At least till now . Up to this point I have been simply reading the various messages of these forums. It is really very interesting. I feel like a spy sometimes . But the direct communication is much more interesting, of course. So, I'll be waiting on.

    Quote Originally Posted by Valda View Post
    У меня нет времени для такой вещи как СКАЙП, но иногда я войду (лучше- «захожу») на (лучше не «на» а «в») чат и («в»- еще раз) голосовой чат... Вы приглашены участвовать
    Иногда трудно говорить о «грамматических ошибках». С точки зрения грамматики их может и не быть. Но твою фразу русские сказали бы как-то так:

    "У меня не хватает времени на общение в СКАЙПЕ, но я бываю и в чате, и в голосовом чате... Участвуйте."

  4. #4
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kotofey View Post
    ... Up to this point I have been simply reading the various messages of these forums. It is really very interesting. I feel like a spy sometimes . But the direct communication is much more interesting, of course. So, I'll be waiting on.
    Приветствую Вас, Костя. Читать отрытые форумы - не шпионство, даже если и не подключаться к дискуссиям. Я думаю, что участие в форуме и есть непосредственное, прямое общение. Иногда да, в инете можно завести близких друзей. Это как повезёт.

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