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Thread: Hello from Israel!

  1. #1
    Новичок ICBM_RUS's Avatar
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    Wink Hello from Israel!

    Name's Max, nice to meet all of you!

    I was born in Ukraine, and at the age of 3 my family decided to move to Israel due to my father getting tangled with the wrong kind of people. So, I spent my entire childhood and teenage years in Israel. Luckily for me, there are a lot of Russians and Ukrainians living here as well, meaning that I haven't forgotten the language and (tried) to keep up with Russian culture/society/filmography/etc.

    Only problem is, I can't write in Russian at all. However reading and speaking is basically my first language, meaning I'm fluent in both. My slang is a bit rusty, though. But I can still freely speak with Russians.

    Oh, and I'm 27.

    Also, for the record and (to avoid possible political hatred), I in no way condone what my state does and would like my future reputation here on this forum to take precedence over my current whereabouts. I know a lot of people have very strong and outspoken opinions on Israel, and I'd be happy to discuss it with you, but all I ask is you don't resort to flaming.
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  2. #2
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    nice to meet you, Max... привет и добро пожаловать!

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Hi Max and welcome to MR. Your problem with not being able to write in Russian is very common one here in the U.S. among the children of first generation immigrants. You are actually much better off then many as you say you can read as usually they can't write OR read, they can only speak their parent's native language.

    We have classes here where I live for Speakers of Native Language to learn the target language. These classes are designed specifically for people like you who can speak the language but maybe can't read/write or maybe not have complete verbal fluency. By any chance do they have any classes like that in Israel??
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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  4. #4
    Новичок ICBM_RUS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexsms View Post
    nice to meet you, Max... привет и добро пожаловать!

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom View Post
    We have classes here where I live for Speakers of Native Language to learn the target language. These classes are designed specifically for people like you who can speak the language but maybe can't read/write or maybe not have complete verbal fluency. By any chance do they have any classes like that in Israel??
    Nothing that I know of. There is however tremendous help for Eastern-European immigrants here, for example you can study and get a degree in your native language! Of course, once you want to work you're going to need, at the very least, a basic grasp of Hebrew, but by the time you finish your courses and get your degree, that should happen naturally.

  5. #5
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ICBM_RUS View Post
    Nothing that I know of. There is however tremendous help for Eastern-European immigrants here, for example you can study and get a degree in your native language! Of course, once you want to work you're going to need, at the very least, a basic grasp of Hebrew, but by the time you finish your courses and get your degree, that should happen naturally.
    Wow! That is amazing that you can take classes in your native language and earn your degree as well. Even with all the "pro-Spanish" we have here, I have not seen that yet. I know you can take the High School GED in Spanish in some states, but I don't know of colleges that offer classes and complete degrees all taught in Spanish yet.
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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  6. #6
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ICBM_RUS View Post
    Name's Max, nice to meet all of you!

    I was born in Ukraine, and at the age of 3 my family decided to move to Israel due to my father getting tangled with the wrong kind of people. So, I spent my entire childhood and teenage years in Israel. Luckily for me, there are a lot of Russians and Ukrainians living here as well, meaning that I haven't forgotten the language and (tried) to keep up with Russian culture/society/filmography/etc.

    Only problem is, I can't write in Russian at all. However reading and speaking is basically my first language, meaning I'm fluent in both. My slang is a bit rusty, though. But I can still freely speak with Russians.

    Oh, and I'm 27.

    Also, for the record and (to avoid possible political hatred), I in no way condone what my state does and would like my future reputation here on this forum to take precedence over my current whereabouts. I know a lot of people have very strong and outspoken opinions on Israel, and I'd be happy to discuss it with you, but all I ask is you don't resort to flaming.
    Привет, Максим! Добро пожаловать в наш форум!
    Don't you worry! We'll add a rule against flaming if needed.

  7. #7
    Почтенный гражданин MISSFOXYSWEETCHERRY's Avatar
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    Welcome to ℳℜ , ℳaxim!
    You've choosed an awesome place to improve your Russian!
    I'm ℜoksana! And I'm from Iran!! And no flaming! I love all the people on the earth!
    Anddd я надеюсь тебе здесь понравится!

    Quote Originally Posted by Lampada View Post
    Don't you worry! We'll add a rule against flaming if needed.
    axaxax great!
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  8. #8
    Властелин Valda's Avatar
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    Привет. Добро пожаловать... я сама из Израиля но не русская (или из бывшего СССР) - я здесь чтобы изучать русский язык. Моя проблема немного наоборот, я знаю читать и писать пожалуй хорошо. Это моя грамматика и особенно мое произношение (навыки говорения вообще) которые страдают.

    Откуда у вас такое прекрасное владение английского языка? Вы говорите как вы пишите?

    По моим подсчетам, вы знаете безупречно русский, украинский, ивритский, и английский язык! Как вы справитесь с какими много языков?

    for example you can study and get a degree in your native language!
    Вы уверены? Где точно? Хотя думаю что было бы есть такие вещи в Израиле это для технологов, техников, и элементарные курсы... Но степень!? Никогда не слышала раньше.

    Wow! That is amazing that you can take classes in your native language and earn your degree as well. Even with all the "pro-Spanish" we have here, I have not seen that yet. I know you can take the High School GED in Spanish in some states, but I don't know of colleges that offer classes and complete degrees all taught in Spanish yet.
    Я все еще хочу знать где. :P
    "Особенно упорно надо заниматься тем, кто ничего не знает." - Като Ломб

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  9. #9
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Hello Max. It sounds weird that you can speak in Russian but you can't write in it. What's the problem? Is it because you don't have the Russian keyboard? You can order the stickers for your keyboard and after a while you'll get the hang of the layout. Or am I completely wrong and the problem is about something else?
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  10. #10
    Властелин Valda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Medved View Post
    Hello Max. It sounds weird that you can speak in Russian but you can't write in it. What's the problem? Is it because you don't have the Russian keyboard? You can order the stickers for your keyboard and after a while you'll get the hang of the layout. Or am I completely wrong and the problem is about something else?

    Это не редко в Израиле, много из моих друзей которые знают русский родной едва знают как читать и писать. Я даже делаю это лучше из них.

    You can order the stickers for your keyboard and after a while you'll get the hang of the layout.
    Если все же вам нужно это, я знаю что есть в "Кравиц" или в "Офис Депот", за 20-30 шекелей обычно. Или просто смотрите в где продают в твоей районе.
    "Особенно упорно надо заниматься тем, кто ничего не знает." - Като Ломб

    "В один прекрасный день все ваши подспудные знания хлынут наружу. Ощущения при этом замечательные, уверяю вас." -Кто-то

  11. #11
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    едва знают как читать и писать
    That's what I'm talking about. As rockzmom said the usual issue is that they can hardly do both of these (reading and writing) but not only one of them. I suppose if a person knows how the words look like (which is supposed to be true as he can read), he can easily type them.

    Это не редко в Израиле, много из моих друзей у которых русский родной едва знают как читать и писать. Даже я делаю это лучше {из} них.
    Valda likes this.
    Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.

  12. #12
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Если все же вам нужно это, я знаю что есть в "Кравиц" или в "Офис Депот", за 20-30 шекелей обычно. Или просто смотрите в где продают в {твоём} вашем районе.
    Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.

  13. #13
    Властелин Valda's Avatar
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    consider твоей brainfart :P ..the auto-correction software f***** me up here. мне следовало бы знать...
    "Особенно упорно надо заниматься тем, кто ничего не знает." - Като Ломб

    "В один прекрасный день все ваши подспудные знания хлынут наружу. Ощущения при этом замечательные, уверяю вас." -Кто-то

  14. #14
    Властелин Medved's Avatar
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    Да, должно быть что-то одно, или "ты, твоём" или "вы, вашем"
    Another month ends. All targets met. All systems working. All customers satisfied. All staff eagerly enthusiastic. All pigs fed and ready to fly.

  15. #15
    Новичок ICBM_RUS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valda View Post
    Откуда у вас такое прекрасное владение английского языка? Вы говорите как вы пишите?
    Да ето от моей работы. I work at an IT department for a small company. Took me around 3-4 years to perfect English, without any courses or whatever. Just talking to online English friends, watching subtitled movies, etc. It's a very easy language to learn compared to Russian, or Hebrew which is even easier in my opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by Valda View Post
    По моим подсчетам, вы знаете безупречно русский, украинский, ивритский, и английский язык! Как вы справитесь с какими много языков?
    Украинский? Ни одного слова. In Ukraine there are a lot of Russians, and most speak Russian. I visit the country every summer, and travel for 2-3 weeks before flying back. In all my travels, I have not met a single person that spoke Ukrainian to me besides elderly folks.

    Quote Originally Posted by Valda View Post
    Вы уверены? Где точно? Хотя думаю что было бы есть такие вещи в Израиле это для технологов, техников, и элементарные курсы... Но степень!? Никогда не слышала раньше.

    Я все еще хочу знать где. :P
    Вот здесь. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of useful degrees to study in Russian, besides stuff like History/Politics of Israel but regardless, there is a lot of support for those having trouble with Hebrew. И если вы знаете иврит, этот документ имеет больше информации.

  16. #16
    Властелин Valda's Avatar
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    Да ето от моей работы. I work at an IT department for a small company. Took me around 3-4 years to perfect English, without any courses or whatever. Just talking to online English friends, watching subtitled movies, etc. It's a very easy language to learn compared to Russian, or Hebrew which is even easier in my opinion.
    Couldn't agree more. Вы молодец.

    Украинский? Ни одного слова. In Ukraine there are a lot of Russians, and most speak Russian. I visit the country every summer, and travel for 2-3 weeks before flying back. In all my travels, I have not met a single person that spoke Ukrainian to me besides elderly folks.
    Oh, oops. Yes I do have Ukranians classmates that left Ukraine at an early age and don't speak a word as well, so I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions....but I do love the song "Ти ж мене підманула"...

    Вот здесь. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of useful degrees to study in Russian, besides stuff like History/Politics of Israel but regardless, there is a lot of support for those having trouble with Hebrew. И если вы знаете иврит, этот документ имеет больше информации.
    Hah, figures, otherwise there wouldn't be that many Russians in my engineering class I should think. Plus, I have bad experiences from the Open University, they're very expensive and I don't like their style.

    (yes am fluent in Heb and Eng double-native )

    I'm glad I got you started writing in cyrillic a bit
    "Особенно упорно надо заниматься тем, кто ничего не знает." - Като Ломб

    "В один прекрасный день все ваши подспудные знания хлынут наружу. Ощущения при этом замечательные, уверяю вас." -Кто-то

  17. #17
    Почтенный гражданин MISSFOXYSWEETCHERRY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valda View Post
    Oh, oops. Yes I do have Ukranians classmates that left Ukraine at an early age and don't speak a word as well, so I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions...
    Valda, i only say these to add it to your informations, (©) Almost 90% of Kievans speak Russian, switching to literary Ukrianian from time to time when it's needed and NO surzhik.

    Generally, They speak Ukrainian as their primary language in west Ukraine and Russian as their second language. In the south and east Ukraine they speak Russian as their primary language and Ukrainian as their second language. But the national language is Ukrainian.
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  18. #18
    Властелин Valda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MISSFOXYSWEETCHERRY View Post
    Valda, i only say these to add it to your informations, (©) Almost 90% of Kievans speak Russian, switching to literary Ukrianian from time to time when it's needed and NO surzhik.

    Generally, They speak Ukrainian as their primary language in west Ukraine and Russian as their second language. In the south and east Ukraine they speak Russian as their primary language and Ukrainian as their second language. But the national language is Ukrainian.
    Я думала что есть два официальные языки? Но да, я в курсе что в Украине вроде того как бывает.
    "Особенно упорно надо заниматься тем, кто ничего не знает." - Като Ломб

    "В один прекрасный день все ваши подспудные знания хлынут наружу. Ощущения при этом замечательные, уверяю вас." -Кто-то

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