Hello I am a young and open minded American looking to broaden the horizons of my available perception. I live in NYC, but have always been interested and mesmerized by Russian imagery and culture. I have not begun yet, because I want to prepare myself first, but I plan on studying Russian very soon (self teaching) so I figured I should join a community that might be of help. I have peeked around a bit on the forums, and it seems to be an overall intellectual and diverse group of people, which I like.
I am working in/ studying in the area of advertisement, marketing and branding. My interests include various art forms (video, film, images, multimedia), making music, fashion and clothing, and hanging out with my loved ones. From this forum I hope to find more people who I may both come to for guidance on language and culture, as well as practice with, and help maintain a level of fluency.
Right now I only fluently speak English and understand a great deal of Spanish. I would also like to connect with more Russian and Russian speaking individuals who are interested in the Art/Fashion spectrum.
If anyone has any recommendations to literature on the web or free self help articles/websites, please let me know. I am looking to learn Russian on little to no expenses, but I also don't want this to limit the quality/effectiveness of my study. I know that every language has some or other programs that are most useful. I was just wondering what most people find useful for Russian in particular. Right now I have only tried out the Byki Ni software, which is flash card based and focuses mainly on common phrases, but I know that this is obviously not the way I will come to learn and fully understand Russian.
Also I'd like tips on learning the Cyrillic alphabet.
How long have you fluent Russian speakers been studying, and how long do you think on average it takes to become comfortable in conversational speech/ writing in Russian?
I'm super excited. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%