Quote Originally Posted by drew881
Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
On a whim last week I bought a DVD of 'москва слезам не верит'.

Spectacularly good acting and a big dollop of Russian culture. Has Russian subtitles (well this version did anyway).


Very moving

Anyone else like it? Any others you can recommend?

By the way it seems to be available on Amazon under the title 'Moscow doesn't believe in tears' (a proper translation for once!).
Just another puke video. Just another distortion of the Russian culture. Goga, a stinking wino and miserable poofta. Watch these vomitized brainfarts to consolidate your stereotypes about this country. Might do your listening comprehension a lot of good though. The above is nothing more than my IMHO.

P.S. And a pretty incorrect translation too - не верит в слёзы would be your 'doesn't believe in tears' - but that's a totally different shade of meaning for you than the film's original title 'слезам не верит'.
Is this your opinion just because it won an academy award for best foreign film? Because it was accepted by the west so therefore it must be bad because it acheived some sort of mainstream status?
Did it really? I didn't know that. But tell me, why do you assume that if a film wins an academy award (who the hell started this farce anyway), we should automatically cream our pants and consider this film a 'quality' one? Just goes to show the real value of your crappy academy awards. Have you ever wondered why the only kind of films that get nominated are usually those that only bogstandard sheeple would watch? In fact, to me an academy award is more often than not a reason to ignore a film. But anyway, in this case it's irrelevant. It's a crappy film about gay bogstandard sheeple. And I did say that was my IMHO - I'm entitled to one, aren't I? Thank you.