Aha... I see. I didn't remember that, thank you. But I still think that she wouldn't have any reasons to give herself those photos to the court (and she could did it only herself as she's just a witness), and I do find it very strange.At the beginning of the film, as the jurors are getting ready to leave the courtroom and go to the school, the neighbor asks the bailiff if she can have her photos back that she gave to the judge and he tells her no. So the neighbor herself gave them over as evidence.
As for that a wing of a house under construction can't be planned on a place of another habitable house, it's not a question of my experience or unexperience – it's just a LAW. You would never get a permission on building until another house is demolished.
As for that no one says a word about the guy's testimony – it's not a question of my experience either, it's just the simplest logic.
And, you know, I actually don't mean that a viewer can't "enjoy" this film. Of course he can. Because this film actually is a show. I don't mean anything humiliating here. I just mean it's a show, with a good picture, popular actors, some effects like throwing a knife, and so on. So yes, of course, one can enjoy it. Why not enjoy a show? But don't tell me there is truth about people in that film.