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Thread: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

  1. #621
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Star Wars IV.... That's really the first one, right?
    You watched that one in the USSR?! What about the sequels?
    As far as I remember, it was in 1986, the very beginning of so-called "Perestroyka". I saw the sequels on video several years later.
    Well after reading the latest posts I am beginning to think that this censorship that the USSR supposedly engaged in was mostly hype! Were there any program / film that you were aware of and wanted to watch but couldn't?
    I was a kid at that time, and loved American cartoons, especially "Tom&Jerry", but there was only one opportunity to watch it - on a VHR. And it was a very rare thing in the middle of 80s in USSR. One of my father's friends had a video recorder at home (he was a diplomat or something) and I was able to watch VHR only if we went visiting that family.
    If you could watch Star Wars and those other films, then you didn't really miss a whole lot of GOOD 1980s Western popular culture! At least not much more than what I "missed" in Sweden! The fact you didn't grew up with Disney and Dallas is probably just healthy. There were some good blockbusters like "Dirty Dancing", "Top Gun" and James Bond... Other than that, no big loss by the sound of things..
    I'v also just remembered that I watched "Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade" on video when I was very little, about 5 or 6 y.o., but it was dubbed in Spanish . A boy, who showed me this film spoke Spanish fluently (he was a son of that diplomat and they brought this tape from Mexico), so he was doing translation.
    The reason they cut Star Wars may not have been anything political - it was seriously cut in Sweden too. I think it was just very violent. As a result the uncut version became very sought after. I don't remember what the difference was.
    I strongly suppose that there was another reason - a very bad quality of the copy (the tape broke a couple of times during the seance) .
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  2. #622
    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    .. Maryland is the home of Jim Henson and The Muppets ...
    The Muppets have bypassed me someway. But I remember and love his Fraggle Rock. This show was aired in Russia in the middle of 80's. The only things I was grief of were the Doozers' constructions which Fraggles ate a lot. But when in some episode I'd known that the Doozers liked Fraggles' eating their constructions I realized that there is a harmony in the world.

    Sprocket was adorable.
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  3. #623
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    I believe "The Magnificent Seven" was a very popular American movie in the USSR...
    Also probably Hitchcock movies...
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  4. #624

    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    @Rockzmom --- haha Swedish chef!!! Needless to say he's not speaking a word of Swedish and many people in Sweden thought the character was irritating. But I think he's cool! I was VERY young when this was on though. I probably only liked it because the figures are cute.

    And Fraggle Rock was AWESOME, particularly the talking rubbish heap... ! I had no idea you watched so much US programs in the USSR.

    Swedish sounds like this, below
    (extreme Stockholm accent) from "Karlsson on the Roof". Josefina, a Swedish girl who blogs from Russia explained in her blog that Karlsoon is quite popular in Russia and has his own cartoon (which she says is awesome.)

    This is an old film from the 1970s. Karlsson is a figure by Astrid Lindgren a Swedish woman who also wrote Pippi Longstocking and lots of other childrens books.

  5. #625
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Josefina, a Swedish girl who blogs from Russia explained in her blog that Karlsoon is quite popular in Russia and has his own cartoon (which she says is awesome.)
    Karlsson is extremely popular in Russia, much more so than Pippi - probably due to the cartoons .

  6. #626

    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    What a top class cartoon! Super funny and they've really captured the spirit although with a Russian twist I think. How nice of the poster to put English subs on the Youtube video!
    I love it!!!

  7. #627
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by translationsnmru
    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Josefina, a Swedish girl who blogs from Russia explained in her blog that Karlsoon is quite popular in Russia and has his own cartoon (which she says is awesome.)
    Karlsson is extremely popular in Russia, much more so than Pippi - probably due to the cartoons .
    I think it is the other way around here. I have never heard of Karlsson-on-the-Roof, yet Pippi... I even have one of those books on our bookselves behind me as I type! The cartoon looks very cute though. I wonder why it never caught on here in the States? Oh, wait a minute, I see on Wiki here what that answer might be...

    His antics earned him the ire of some traditional educators and parents, who believed that Karlsson might incite young children to disobey authority and mistrust and fear babysitters. The books were accordingly banned in some libraries and schools in North America.
    Gotta love censorship. Ya know, the poor kids might disobey authority and fear their babysitters...oh my!
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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  8. #628

    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    His antics earned him the ire of some traditional educators and parents, who believed that Karlsson might incite young children to disobey authority and mistrust and fear babysitters. The books were accordingly banned in some libraries and schools in North America.
    Gotta love censorship. Ya know, the poor kids might disobey authority and fear their babysitters...oh my!
    Yeah, that's very silly!
    Well, Pippi herself was probably an Anarchist (she refused to go to school and to move to an orphanage even though she had no parents... There was also an argument by people with extreme socialist views that Pippi was promoting capitalism, since a lot of the plot was focussed on her sack of gold coins which she refuses to share with others.. Plus she is violating Health and Safety regulations when she's climbing around in trees and on rooftops!!

    But all of this is what made her cool! I think Pippi turned several generations of kids into semi-anarchists... The author was well known for being a Social Democrat though and she often spoke on 1 May and similar. She was practically a cult figure in Sweden and she had a lot of public influence which she didn't hesitate to use. She was tremendously rich but she kept living in a state allocated flat until she died a few years ago.. Pippi and Karlsson were only two out of hundreds of characters. She was a real genius of childrens' litterature.

    Perhaps somebody remembers this film which was made by a Russian director I think?
    Astrid Lindgren wrote this book too.

  9. #629
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Perhaps somebody remembers this film which was made by a Russian director I think?
    Astrid Lindgren wrote this book too.
    I remember when it was aired in the Soviet Union in late 1980s, but I didn't watch it (well, maybe a part of one of the episodes). I haven't read the book either.
    You might be interested to know that there was a Soviet film about Kalle as well. There was also a film about Rasmus, but for the life of me, I can't recall if it was a Soviet film or a dubbed foreign production.

  10. #630
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    ... as the topic of what is a "war" film seems to still be a bit of a mystery and it has spilled over to another thread, I want to bring some of the posts back over to this one so if someone comes here, they have the chance to read parts of the posts and understand what is meant when we are talking about "war" film as a genre.

    If anyone still has questions or comments about this, please chime in!

    And to most of you who I believe currently follow both threads, please forgive me for these double posting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    ...Also, I'd like to say some words about Russian Great Patriotic War films...

    Mostly, foreigners who saw some of those films say they are too "depressive". That's what I hate.

    But....... What do you want a film about war to be???? A comedy? A romance? A detective? I don't understand people who don't like to see war on the screen, who feel boring or "depressive" seeing that, and who don't want to watch things which can "upset" them; who don't want to weep over anything but a milksoppy love story or a lapdog's or a kitten's death! They don't want to understand that there were real people who lived and died at war, and it did not look like an adventure, or like a story about one person, or two persons, a man and a woman, where people around didn't matter.
    I HATE the film "The English Patient" where the main character is presented like a big hero who accomplishes "feats" in the name of "love". Listen, he gave secret maps to fascists!!! Having got those maps, fascists captured a city, took many prisoners, tortured people, cut off their fingers!!!...
    The only opinion about that film I came across on the internet was "this is a great film about true love"... F*ck it!!!!! It looks like western viewers really have no idea about true feats. A true feat is to save a thousand people and not one person, even if that one is your beloved and those thousand are nobodies to you.
    Moreover, the hero in "The English Patient" sacrificed a thousand of human lives for only a chance of saving the woman. That makes his action even more disgusting. Why do people like this film? For me, it's just a beautiful snivel in a beautiful wrapping.

    Here are some Russian forceful war films I'd recommend to watch:

    Проверка на дорогах
    Летят журавли
    Баллада о солдате
    Восхождение (very forceful)
    Судьба человека
    А зори здесь тихие
    Расскажи мне о себе (the only one which is not very famous, but it touched me a lot)
    Иваново детство

    Also (famous films, too; not quite "war" films, but also about the subject)
    Дом, в котором я живу
    Военно-полевой роман
    Белорусский вокзал
    20 дней без войны
    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    ...Olya made a wonderful posting about "war' movies and I also commented on them in the BIG catch all movie thread. I want to throw this out to everyone and see what you all think. Of the few "war" movies I have watched, to me they are "dramas" set in a "war time" not a film about a "war" or a film which 90% of it is with soldiers and takes place on a battle field.

    SO, using the example of "The Cranes are Flying" I would never consider this a "war" film and if I am looking for a film to watch off of this list, I would probably skip over this film because, well... as Olya has correctly stated, I would not want to watch a movie which would upset me too much (unless I really was in the mood). On the flip side, if I were a real war buff and selected this film because I saw it was a "war" film on the list, I would probably be disappointed.

    That leaves us in a dilemma. How can we categorize these films so people will "want" to watch them and not be mislead and also stay true to "Russians" and how they view and know the films?

    Right now, Johanna only has one category for each film. On the BIG movie thread, I have more than one for some of them. Once again using the example of "The Cranes are Flying," I have this one listed as (Drama/Romance/War), how does this sit with all of you? Johanna, how would you feel about having more than one category for some of the films?

    Does anyone else have a better or other solution to this?

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    ...But, you know... it's not something political about the western and Russian ideas of WWII movies. It's just another human point of view. In Russian cinema, it's always a story about people, about a human nature, a war drama. In American/Western cinema, it's always an action movie, an adventure, where facts and events are more important than people. I don't like it, and I find it wrong.

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    Of the few "war" movies I have watched, to me they are "dramas" set in a "war time" not a film about a "war" or a film which 90% of it is with soldiers and takes place on a battle field.

    SO, using the example of "The Cranes are Flying" I would never consider this a "war" film
    I have already said that before, in other thread, and have said that just in this very post above, and I don't know why, but I'd like to repeat it again. Russian WWII films are dramas, not action movies, so let's call them "war dramas" henceforth and unto ages of ages.
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  11. #631
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Okay, has anyone here seen "The English Patient"?
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  12. #632
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Okay, has anyone here seen "The English Patient"?
    hehehee... Amazingly, I have not. That year I was prego and going out to the movies was not high on my list. I have always wanted to see it, yet for some reason I just never got around to it. ALSO, I did not know what the storyline was about until your posting!

    So, this film, it won 9 Oscars (Best Actress in a Supporting Role, Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Best Director, Best Film Editing, Best Music, Original Dramatic Score, Best Picture, Best Sound) and another 41 awards.

    I do find it interesting after reading your comments that it did NOT win the Oscar for Best Screenplay (Sling Blade did).

    So Olya, let me ask you this (and I ask with sincerity) ... story line aside... what about the rest of the movie? The things that it won Oscars for, did you find those at all to help the film have any redeeming value or was the storyline so upsetting for you that it would not matter how good everything else was, it was too distracting for you?

    The reason I ask, I know that there are times when even one piece of dialogue (maybe it is not right for the character or would not have been said at the time the story took place), one wrong continuity, or some other little distraction... can ruin an otherwise fantastic film for people. So if this is the case, if the story line itself (or the main character) was such a distraction for you, even with the rest of the film being the cream of the crop, 50 awards, is it a film you would never recommend on any level?

    Just wondering, 'cus ya know, I am the curious type when it comes to this stuff.
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
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  13. #633
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by rockzmom
    So Olya, let me ask you this (and I ask with sincerity) ... story line aside... what about the rest of the movie? The things that it won Oscars for, did you find those at all to help the film have any redeeming value or was the storyline so upsetting for you that it would not matter how good everything else was, it was too distracting for you?

    The reason I ask, I know that there are times when even one piece of dialogue (maybe it is not right for the character or would not have been said at the time the story took place), one wrong continuity, or some other little distraction... can ruin an otherwise fantastic film for people. So if this is the case, if the story line itself (or the main character) was such a distraction for you, even with the rest of the film being the cream of the crop, 50 awards, is it a film you would never recommend on any level?

    Just wondering, 'cus ya know, I am the curious type when it comes to this stuff.
    To be honest, I don't remember the film very well, and I don't remember the whole plot in details, even. But I remember very well all my impressions about this film. I can tell you that I didn't like the acting AT ALL (I don't remember supporting roles, though). The story line told us that the man and the woman loved... no, LOVED each other. I didn't see that at all. I only saw vain attempts to imitate love. All those "love" things in the film were boring to me.
    I must add, however, that we Russian viewers are used to a very high level of acting we saw in our films (I think many Russians even don't realize that). So an acting which won Oscar could look just very pale and even just bad from Russian dainty point of view. To be quite honest, I see really good acting (in my opinion) in foreign films very rarely. At best, acting in foreign films is just "okay" to me.
    P.S. If you are interested, the only foreing actor who convinced me that he can play not worse, and even better than some Russian actors, was Alan Rickman.
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  14. #634
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    I don't know if this has been posted but it's a list of all the Russian films that have been translated into English on ( The movies are listed in Russian.
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  15. #635
    Завсегдатай BappaBa's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    To be quite honest, I see really good acting (in my opinion) in foreign films very rarely. At best, acting in foreign films is just "okay" to me.
    Оля, +500 от меня =)

  16. #636
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa
    Оля, +500 от меня =)
    Ну слава богу, я не одна, а то я иногда думаю - вдруг это у меня какая-нибудь ксенофобия вперемешку с оголтелым патрио-национализмом.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  17. #637
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa
    Оля, +500 от меня =)
    Ну слава богу, я не одна, а то я иногда думаю - вдруг это у меня какая-нибудь ксенофобия в перемешку с оголтелым патрио-национализмом.
    Ты знаешь, последний пример: пару дней назад посмотрел Taxi Driver, столько про этот фильм читал и слышал разговоров... Чуть ли не одна из самых лучших ролей Де Ниро. Абсолютно бестолковый фильм, имхо, а Де Ниро, вообще, одинаковый в любом фильме. Имхо, опять же... =)

  18. #638
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Just so there is NO misunderstanding... the following comes under the definition of HUMOR

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля actually meant to
    ...umm, to be quite honest, umm, I think all non-Russian actors and non-Russian films, umm, well SUCK. Yes, the screenplays, the cinematography, the special effects, the soundtracks, costumes, editing, even the animals (your Lassie can't even begin to compare to our Sharik)... it all just frankly can't hold a candle to the good old USSR films. Those my friends were AMAZING actors and PHENOMENAL stories.

    Well of course I do make an exception for anything with Alan Rickman (even Die Hard).... Oh and umm, I better not forget ...Rockzmom's daughters too...
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  19. #639
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля actually meant to
    ...umm, to be quite honest, umm, I think all non-Russian actors and non-Russian films, umm, well SUCK.
    Well, actually, to be honest, I don't think so. I really like and even love some foreign films. As for Alan Rickman and "Die Hard", I don't think his acting in that film is something special. First of all, I meant his role in "The Perfume".
    But! Okay, to make things a bit clearer. What is the main thing in Russian cinema (which actually comes from Russian theatre): as Stanislavsky said, "жизнь человеческого духа" (don't know how this classical phrase sounds in English; my attempt is, "the human soul's life"). No any screenplay, costumes, landscape views, soundtracks, or any other thing that could help if actors play badly. Human is THE MAIN. That's all. How, tell me please, can special effects be more important than the human soul's life? They can't.
    The western cinema... is just different. The main thing is a plot. Action. Special effects, maybe. If the worst comes to the worst, a popcorn. It doesn't mean that all Western cinema SUCK. It's just that when I watch a good Western / American film, I... get pleasure of another kind. I enjoy the plot (like in "Catch Me If You Can"), or a geniusly created atmosphere (like in "Vertigo") and good acting (yes, it does happen in those films, too ). But, then again, they very rarely touch my soul deeply , make me cry. The one I can recall right now is "The Pianist" (a war film, again...). Also, there are a lot of American movies which I find senseless (it's not just "I find", really; it's just alien to us Russians, mostly, at least; well, let's rather say "to Russian art", it's fairer). There are a lot of "horror movies" which only make a viewer to feel horror, and nothing more. I've just watched one of such, "White Single Female". A lot of murders. I pity no one. It's not because I am hard-hearted, it's just because the director's goal was other. Just to frighten. What should I learn from this film? I learned nothing. Probably someone tells me, "You should learn that there are crazy people in the world one should be careful with". Sorry, but for me, it's not the art's goal (and cinema, for me, should be [close to] art). And the film I mentioned is not the worst movie of that kind at all. There are much worse ones.
    I also can say that movies of that sort can only provoke fear, disgust, ...well, also prudence in life, maybe. They really can only "upset" a viewer and nothing more. But those war dramas I've spoken so much already before, even if they "upset", they provoke catharsis and compassion. That's what I want to feel having watched a movie. Not disgust or fear. Don't give me special effects, leave them for kids, or for cartoons. Give me true feelings, make me better, so that I could watch a movie and say "I must become kinder", "I want to love people", or ask myself, "What am I living for?", or something. So, what I mean - I, too, like Rockzmom, don't want to watch movies that just upset me, show me some loathsome picture and nothing more.

    As for movies about "crazy people", I want to tell you something. In МХАТ (Moscow Art Theatre School), students have to make exercises called "etudes" (to show, to play someone/something, to show a short dumb scene from its/his/her life where some event happens). First, it should be a thing (a ball, a table, a photocamera, whatever). Then an animal. Then a human. But every its/his/her action should be "inwardly reasonable". That is, if you are a cupboard, you can't just be swinging your doors hither and thither, without any reason, just so. You should have some inward reason. For instance, "I'm swinging my doors because I want more dishes to stay into me, so I want to tell people in this way to put more dishes into me, meaning come on guys, here, bring the plates in here, quickly". But bad students usually, showing some "swinging cupboard" say: "It's swinging its doors because it's crazy". So, what I mean. I mean that in all those movies where acts some crazy-person-who-murders-everyone-just-because-he's-crazy, the director tells us viewers, "There is no inward reason. He just is crazy. He just was unhappy in childhood. Watch this movie, there is a lot of blood, you'll like it". No, sorry, your etude is bad. I want to pity someone, even if you don't show me blood.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  20. #640

    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Thanks Sperk for the subtitle link!

    Olya (and others) there are some Vietnam (war) films that you might enjoy - they are a good insight into American views of the world, I think, and some of them are VERY good in my opinion. The people in the film are common people who get caught up in a political war and have their lives messed up. I don't think the film directors much agree with the objectives of that war, so it's definitely no glorification of this very tragic war. The films do not show the point of view of the Vietnamese of course, just the American experience. However I have been in Vietnam and they are very proud there of their "victory" (as they see it).

    The Youtube display functionality seems to be broken! Shame! I love linking to Youtube as you might have noticed!

    "THE DEER HUNTER" tribute (with it's famous theme sonata, Cavatina)

    DEER HUNTER: A super crazy review from American radio! --- Is this normal US radio?!?



    HAIR - the classic hippie musical:

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