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Thread: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

  1. #561
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    I've watched this movie not so long ago and somehow it returned to me the belief in Russian cinematograph.
    It is one of the few films that have been released during the last ten years that I actually liked:

    Here's some info in English:

    And another one from that list:
    Send me a PM if you need me.

  2. #562
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    There is a sketch show on Russian TV (quite a new genre for us, by the way) named "6 кадров" which is sort of a word game in Russian and means "6 frames", and/or "6 shots", and/or "6 characters" (because 6 actors play in it).
    So... First, I'd like to ask Russians who watch this show if they like it and who they like best of all in that show.

    And second, I'd like others to watch one of the episodes I put on youtube and ask if you like it. I hope everything is understandable without translation there.

    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  3. #563
    Завсегдатай BappaBa's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    So... First, I'd like to ask Russians who watch this show if they like it and who they like best of all in that show.
    Я смотрел несколько выпусков, ничего особенного на мой взгляд. Смотрел из-за Добронравова. Его бы с Нонной Гришаевой свести - получилась бы убойная смесь. =)

  4. #564
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Although I see on Wiki that he shot a couple of more or less famous films: "Москва-Кассиопея" and "Отроки во Вселенной".
    These two movies were BIG with kids in 1970s and early 1980s. Everyone knew the "Если что-то я забуду" song. Well, every child and teen, that is. I guess the films weren't quite as popular with adults as they were with us kids. Much later, I tried watching a rerun of "Отроки во Вселенной" on TV, and it wasn't nearly as much fun as it had been when I was young
    But I had no idea about who was their director, and I have never heard of "Через тернии к звёздам". Odd, no?

  5. #565
    Почтенный гражданин studyr's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Super, thanks BappaBa.
    Those seem like films that should be possible to find --- with subtitles.

    (After checking it's clear to me that it has everything....
    The trouble is that the uploads to this site don't seem to have subtitles.)

    Without the subs I miss out on too much of the plots.
    Кавказский пленник-subtitles, Блокпост, but I can't find subtitles for Блокпост.

  6. #566
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by BappaBa
    Я смотрел несколько выпусков, ничего особенного на мой взгляд. Смотрел из-за Добронравова.
    Я вообще смотрю это шоу ТОЛЬКО из-за Добронравова.
    Некоторые из его номеров, на мой взгляд, просто гениальны. Например, как он в аптеке спирт спрашивает.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  7. #567
    Старший оракул CoffeeCup's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    Films which feature non-native speakers of Russian?
    "Red Heat" with Arnold Schwarzenegger as a Russian policeman!
    Quote Originally Posted by Arnold Schwarzenegger
    Довэрьйай мнэ. (Trust me)
    Капыталызм. (Capitalism)
    Хулиганы. (Hooligans)
    I love this movie!
    So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

  8. #568

    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    @Ramil --- Thanks! Kokoshka and Graffiti seem really excellent!
    I look forward to watching them - the Kokoschka storyline is particularly interesting and I can't wait to hear that Finnish actor (Ville something) speak Russian...
    Thanks a lot for the tips!

    @Studyr: I couldnt find subs for Блокпост either... Other than in Polish! So I'll save this film for later, when my Russian has improved. The plot sounds interesting and I definitely want to see this one.

    @Coffecup --- haha; Arnold Schwarzenegger as Russian policeman. I never saw that film...
    Here's one that I'm pretty sure has plenty of bad Russian in it: "Red Dawn" from mid 1980s. Plot: USSR and Cuba invade the USA, but some schoolkids fight back.. (This film was actually banned at first in Sweden and Finland due to being too extreme, politically. Which of course meant that all kids wanted to see it, and did.. ) Are there any old Russian cold war "paranoia" films like this?

  9. #569
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Американские "Неуловимые мстители"

  10. #570

    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    I checked Неуловимые мстители - another one to add to the list of interesting Russian films!

    I doubt this one has subs, but you never know...

  11. #571
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    the Kokoschka storyline is particularly interesting and I can't wait to hear that Finnish actor (Ville something) speak Russian...
    He doesn't speak Russian in that film. :P Although he speaks perfect Russian in life.
    By the way, I think the English spelling of the movie title should be "Kookooshka" or even "Kukushka". Or do you just use Swedish spelling?
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  12. #572

    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Olya, I keep making mistakes with the transliteration...

    I'm sorry! I just find it a bit confusing and I keep being too lazy to take time to check it. But I'll be more careful. It could cause unnecessary confusion. Or I'll just start writing the names in Russian. (I type 10 times faster in English though...)

    The reason for the mixup: Germany uses the same transliteration and there is rather well-known artist called Oskar Kokoschka -- Also I remembered the old Victor Tsoi (right spelling, I checked!) song was translated as "Kokoschka". Link to the Kukushka song below for those who have never heard it!


  13. #573
    Завсегдатай Ramil's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    @Ramil --- Thanks! Kokoshka and Graffiti seem really excellent!
    I look forward to watching them - the Kokoschka storyline is particularly interesting and I can't wait to hear that Finnish actor (Ville something) speak Russian...
    You'll be disappointed He doesn't speak Russian there ))). The whole plot rotates around the fact that all three main characters don't understand each other. Ivan speaks Russian, Anni speaks Saami (I think that's how her language is called), and Veiko speaks Finnish. Well, you won't hear him speaking Russian but the film itself is just wonderful.

    P.S. And although I was (and still am) a great fan of Kino and Viktor Tsoy I like this cover version by Zemfira more:

    Send me a PM if you need me.

  14. #574
    Завсегдатай Basil77's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    I checked Неуловимые мстители - another one to add to the list of interesting Russian films!

    I doubt this one has subs, but you never know...
    Yes, wonderful movie, especially this song:


    This music is very good for ANY chase :
    Please, correct my mistakes, except for the cases I misspell something on purpose!

  15. #575
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Does anyone have any suggestions where I can find English subtitles for Granada TV series "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes"? Precisely for this episode (A Scandal in Bohemia):
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  16. #576

    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

  17. #577
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Thank you, Johanna!!!!!!!
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  18. #578
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    Quote Originally Posted by Johanna
    I checked Неуловимые мстители - another one to add to the list of interesting Russian films!

    I doubt this one has subs, but you never know...
    Another film (miniseries) set during the Civil War in Russia that you might want to check out when you know enough Russian is "Адьютант его превосходительства". It's on youtube, but no subs.
    I always thought of it as the predecessor to "17 Moments of Spring".

  19. #579
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!


    "The Lady with the Dog" (Дама с собачкой, Dama s sobachkoy), 1960
    (see page 13 of this thread for how to watch this movie either via download on Yandex or online at YouTube)

    For those of you who would like to read the story:
    Story in Russian
    Story in English

    Winner Diploma of Merit, Foreign Actor (Aleksey Batalov) at the 1962 Jussi Awards (Finland)

    I must admit I have been wanted to watch this movie for MONTHS! Ever since I read and saw “The Reader” which the story “The Lady with the Little Dog” plays a pivotal part. I also wanted to see a good old fashion romance, so I really needed to be in the right mood to watch this and I knew that Hubby would not watch this “chick flick” with me!

    I very much enjoyed the opening of the film more than the rest of the film, sorry to say. At first I thought “Oh how sad that I had waited so long to watch this as this is going to be just the kind of film I like,” yet, the witty one liners like “I had a good sleep for no reason” soon went away and were replaced with the melodramatic tale of our star-crossed lovers, Dmitri and Anna.

    I can’t say enough about the acting of Aleksey Batalov. He had me fooled from the beginning. I truly thought his character to be the lowest pond scum alive. A total cad and a Dorian Gray to boot. The leaving of Anna’s glove at the train station before it is even cold from her hand and the train has even finished pulling out, was low. For all he knew, she could have seen him! Men! So, so, uncaring. At more than one point I was positive that Dmitri was going murder our poor Lady with the Dog!

    And Anna! She was just as Dmitri had described, PATHETIC! She had no backbone whatsoever! Woman, don’t have an affair if you can’t handle it. “Don’t do the crime if you can’t pay the time,” or at least don’t go on and on and on about it ad nauseam.

    Now the ending… So our lovers get back together for their little rendezvous with destiny in full view for anyone passing their hotel window to see. Especially the wife who received Anna’s letter. “Hello, here’s a clue…close the curtain if you are having an affair.” And the ending shot of Anna at the window leaving us to just assume that this romance continues for the next 20 years or so. Or does it? Was that the last time he saw her???

    Now, with all that said, there were things I did like about the movie. Amazingly!

    The cinematography was beyond beautiful. This is one movie where I wished it were in color and if you have read my other reviews you know I normally do not feel that way about black and white films. This time however, I felt myself longing for the color of the ocean and the marvelous costumes. The sunrise Dmitri and Anna watch together. I wanted to see it all and in Technicolor! I found it interesting to see Yalta after reading about Hangernaid’s visit there and seeing his photographs from there. I also remembered the slippers discussion we had in wintertime and thought about that while watching the snow scenes in Moscow.

    The little directorial character gestures were great as well. The piano scene with the candle was brilliant. Dmitri seeing the white dog again was not bad either.

    I do have some observation type questions and I hope someone will help me out.

    1. What was with the scale at the ocean in Yalta? The only time I have seen scales around the beaches here are at the boardwalks and you try to fool someone by asking them to guess your weight and hope they guess wrong and then you win a prize.

    2. Both Dmitri and Anna have their wedding bands on their right hands. Here in the States we wear them on the left. Do you all still wear them on the right?

    3. Why was Dmitri in Yalta without his wife and kids? They never explained that one in the movie. They explained why Anna was there (due to her health, a lie) but never said why he was there for a month.

    For what to watch next...I'm thinking about "The Cranes are Flying", "The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed" or get back to watching "The Master and Margarita."
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
    Check out the MasterRussian Music Playlist
    Click here for list of Russian films with English subtitles and links to watch them.

  20. #580
    Завсегдатай rockzmom's Avatar
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    Re: Films & TV: Russian & Non - Q&As/Reviews/Links all in here!

    A long time ago on this thread I talked about the movie and book series Twilight. The second movie from this series, New Moon, is scheduled to be released November 20th.

    Now a group of people out on YoutTube did spoof trailers of the first Twilight movie and the other day they released their spoof trailer of New Moon. It is not as good as their Twilight one (it has had over 8 million views); however, it is pretty funny

    Here are links to the real trailers and the spoofs from Evil Iguana Production. Make certain you watch the real ones first, duh! Let me know if you need clarifations on anything as I have read all the books and seen the first movie (remember, I have teenaged daughters!)

    Older daughter really likes the part where she is describing him (his skin is pale white, he is really strong and fast and so on AND the part where he tries to go outside and the door is closed).

    Real Twilight Trailer #1
    Real Twilight Trailer #2
    Evil Iguana Twilight Spoof

    This one the ending is the best part!
    Real New Moon Trailer
    Evil Iguana New Moon Spoof
    I only speak two languages, English and bad English.
    Check out the MasterRussian Music Playlist
    Click here for list of Russian films with English subtitles and links to watch them.

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