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Thread: Москва слезам не верит.

  1. #1
    Старший оракул
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    Москва слезам не верит.

    On a whim last week I bought a DVD of 'москва слезам не верит'.

    Spectacularly good acting and a big dollop of Russian culture. Has Russian subtitles (well this version did anyway).


    Very moving

    Anyone else like it? Any others you can recommend?

    By the way it seems to be available on Amazon under the title 'Moscow doesn't believe in tears' (a proper translation for once!).
    Море удачи и дачу у моря

  2. #2
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    I saw it in a film class a couple years ago. Out of 10 films we watched, this was probably the second or third best one that the class liked. The other ones that people liked were Burnt by the Sun, The Cranes are Flying. and Brat.

  3. #3
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    Через двадцать лет ничего кроме интернета не будет--не театра, не книг, не телевидения.

  4. #4
    Старший оракул
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    ну .. через двадцать лет всё по-другому будет!
    Море удачи и дачу у моря

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by begemot
    Через двадцать лет ничего кроме интернета не будет--не театра, не книг, не телевидения.
    ни театра, ни книг, ни телевидения
    "Happy new year, happy new year
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    Of a world where every neighbour is a friend"

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friendy
    Quote Originally Posted by begemot
    Через двадцать лет ничего кроме интернета не будет--не театра, не книг, не телевидения.
    ни театра, ни книг, ни телевидения
    Cпасибо, Френди! Может быть, через двадцать лет у меня не будет ошибок на русском языке.

    На РТВи(нтернационал) я видел несколько серий программ "Прогулки с Баталовым", в которую он бродит по Москве и разговаривает о достопримечательностях города. Я не сразу его узнал....он сильно менялся! Ну, время.

  7. #7
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    Re: москва слезам не верит

    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    On a whim last week I bought a DVD of 'москва слезам не верит'.

    Spectacularly good acting and a big dollop of Russian culture. Has Russian subtitles (well this version did anyway).


    Very moving

    Anyone else like it? Any others you can recommend?

    By the way it seems to be available on Amazon under the title 'Moscow doesn't believe in tears' (a proper translation for once!).
    Just another puke video. Just another distortion of the Russian culture. Goga, a stinking wino and miserable poofta. Watch these vomitized brainfarts to consolidate your stereotypes about this country. Might do your listening comprehension a lot of good though. The above is nothing more than my IMHO.

    P.S. And a pretty incorrect translation too - не верит в слёзы would be your 'doesn't believe in tears' - but that's a totally different shade of meaning for you than the film's original title 'слезам не верит'.
    Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by begemot
    Может быть, через двадцать лет у меня не будет ошибок на русском языке.
    в русском языке

    На РТВи(нтернационал) я видел несколько серий программ "Прогулки с Баталовым", в которую он бродит по Москве и разговаривает о достопримечательностях города.
    программы (родительный падеж, ед. ч.)
    в которой (предложный падеж)
    говорит о достопримечательностях или
    рассказывает о достопримечательностях.
    Я не сразу его узнал....он сильно менялся!
    сильно изменился (you need perfective form here)
    "Happy new year, happy new year
    May we all have a vision now and then
    Of a world where every neighbour is a friend"

  9. #9
    JB is offline
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    My teacher in Moscow made us take it home and watch it because it is her favorite film. I fell asleep and my hubby probably turned on football. Total chick flick.
    Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

  10. #10
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    Re: москва слезам не верит

    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    On a whim last week I bought a DVD of 'москва слезам не верит'.

    Spectacularly good acting and a big dollop of Russian culture. Has Russian subtitles (well this version did anyway).


    Very moving

    Anyone else like it? Any others you can recommend?

    By the way it seems to be available on Amazon under the title 'Moscow doesn't believe in tears' (a proper translation for once!).
    Just another puke video. Just another distortion of the Russian culture. Goga, a stinking wino and miserable poofta. Watch these vomitized brainfarts to consolidate your stereotypes about this country. Might do your listening comprehension a lot of good though. The above is nothing more than my IMHO.

    P.S. And a pretty incorrect translation too - не верит в слёзы would be your 'doesn't believe in tears' - but that's a totally different shade of meaning for you than the film's original title 'слезам не верит'.
    Is this your opinion just because it won an academy award for best foreign film? Because it was accepted by the west so therefore it must be bad because it acheived some sort of mainstream status?

  11. #11
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    Re: москва слезам не верит

    Quote Originally Posted by drew881

    Is this your opinion just because it won an academy award for best foreign film? Because it was accepted by the west so therefore it must be bad because it acheived some sort of mainstream status?
    d00d, don't even start with the VM-baiting. He'll just be like
    Quote Originally Posted by Линдзи, predicting VendingMachine's reaction,
    SWEARING [some obscure political philosopher] VAGUELY DEMEANING NAME a la "my boy" [historical event] GRRR [some stuff in a "Scottish" dialect] Do you want to have a fistfight?
    So let's skip it, eh? Back to that silly chick flick. It was entertaining enough, as far as chick flicks go. I like movies with more explosions. If there had been some explosions in it, it probably would have been a better film. Ooh, or a tank chase. A tank chase would also have improved it immensely.

  12. #12
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    I just saw a movie “Сибириада” by Андрей Михалков-Кончаловский, 1978. Cool movie, it's a masterpiece! I was watching in for more than 4 hours and it worth it. The music of Эдуард Артемьев is just amazing! Now it's my favorite movie, maybe even more favourite than “Кин-дза-дза.”

  13. #13
    Старший оракул
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    Tu-160, can you tell us more about those films? What are they about?
    And .. 4 hours?? I thought the Seven Samurai was long..
    Море удачи и дачу у моря

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    Goga, a stinking wino and miserable poofta.
    Well, I can't say I am a fan of Goga (my feministic mind can't put up with his attitude to women and some other macho tendencies ) but I don't think that a single occasion of being drunk makes somebody a wino (of course there could be some other similar occasions in his life, since the movie shows just a little piece of it, but he doesn't make that impression).
    Watch these vomitized brainfarts to consolidate your stereotypes about this country. Might do your listening comprehension a lot of good though. The above is nothing more than my IMHO.
    I don't think that the aim of this film was to promote some stereotypes about Russia. It's just a simple story that could happen in any country. More than that I think it contained an anti-stereotype, showing a woman who had wholly made herself (the stereotype being all Russian women are worshiping-their-husband housewives).
    And the above was MHO also.
    "Happy new year, happy new year
    May we all have a vision now and then
    Of a world where every neighbour is a friend"

  15. #15
    Почтенный гражданин
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    “Кин-дза-дза” is a really cool film! Actually, it is a comedy film with an underlying meaning. Take a look at this site. There are quotes from this film with mp3 files.

    IMHO, the films you have to see:

    Many of these films are comedy one but don’t be amazed when you found them a little philosophical. I didn’t include many popular films (for example Брилиантовая рука) you could not get them without deep knowledge in Soviet cultural layer. It’s really hard to get the joke when one parody jeers other parody.

    Иван Васильевич меняет профессию
    Гардемарины, вперед
    Тот самый Мюнхаузен
    Джентльмены удачи
    Двенадцать стульев
    Золотой телёнок
    Кавказская пленница или новые приключения Шурика
    Белое солнце пустыни
    Гусарская баллада
    Ирония судьбы, или с легким паром
    Служебный роман
    Москва слезам не верит
    Большая перемена
    Собачье сердце
    Место встречи изменить нельзя
    Жестокий романс
    Тени исчезают в полдень

    Films about officers or soldiers

    Война и Мир
    Дни Турбиных
    Батальоны просят огня
    Небесный тихоход
    Два бойца

    Soviet films based on foreign books

    First of all, the films are really perfect; secondly, you can compare them with Hollywood films about USSR and Russia.

    Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона
    Дети капитана Гранта
    Мэри Поппинс, до свидания
    Я танцую пьяный на столе нума нума е нума нума нума е
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  16. #16
    Старший оракул
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    Wow! Spasiba bolshoye! I'm gonna print this out and head down to Telemir next week after I get back from the mountains.
    ни водка ни пиво, денги на ветер

    @ Friendy, about the Goga character: in what way did you find his attitude to women offensive? I guess my language skills were not really good enough to pick up on that.. ) . About stereotypes and culture, I think this film was successful in showing culture precisely because it wasn't trying to do that at all. cf 'the Barber of Siberia' - rather poor IMO, despite all the money they threw at it.
    Море удачи и дачу у моря

  17. #17
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    Re: москва слезам не верит

    Quote Originally Posted by drew881
    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    On a whim last week I bought a DVD of 'москва слезам не верит'.

    Spectacularly good acting and a big dollop of Russian culture. Has Russian subtitles (well this version did anyway).


    Very moving

    Anyone else like it? Any others you can recommend?

    By the way it seems to be available on Amazon under the title 'Moscow doesn't believe in tears' (a proper translation for once!).
    Just another puke video. Just another distortion of the Russian culture. Goga, a stinking wino and miserable poofta. Watch these vomitized brainfarts to consolidate your stereotypes about this country. Might do your listening comprehension a lot of good though. The above is nothing more than my IMHO.

    P.S. And a pretty incorrect translation too - не верит в слёзы would be your 'doesn't believe in tears' - but that's a totally different shade of meaning for you than the film's original title 'слезам не верит'.
    Is this your opinion just because it won an academy award for best foreign film? Because it was accepted by the west so therefore it must be bad because it acheived some sort of mainstream status?
    Did it really? I didn't know that. But tell me, why do you assume that if a film wins an academy award (who the hell started this farce anyway), we should automatically cream our pants and consider this film a 'quality' one? Just goes to show the real value of your crappy academy awards. Have you ever wondered why the only kind of films that get nominated are usually those that only bogstandard sheeple would watch? In fact, to me an academy award is more often than not a reason to ignore a film. But anyway, in this case it's irrelevant. It's a crappy film about gay bogstandard sheeple. And I did say that was my IMHO - I'm entitled to one, aren't I? Thank you.
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  18. #18
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    waxwing, I hope it wouldn't put you out if I asked you what exactly you had in mind by 'culture' when you were talking about the film in question? how did it show the Russian culture? what have you learnt from this film about us and our culture?

    @Friendy: Despite the fact that Goga is a wino and a poof, he does the right thing treating a lady as one would treat a whore. That's what you ladies want, believe me, I wouldn't lie to you - a lady wants to be treated as a whore and a whore wants to be treated as a lady - has stood me in good stead, this little golden rule.

    @Линдзи, must you always argue with me? I know you secretely admire me. It's OK, Линдзи, you know I'd be good, you know I'd treat you as a lady.
    Show yourself - destroy our fears - release your mask

  19. #19
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by waxwing
    ни водка ни пиво, денги на ветер
    Водка без пива - деньги на ветер!
    Я танцую пьяный на столе нума нума е нума нума нума е
    Снова счастье улыбнулось мне нума нума е нума нума нума е

  20. #20
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Quote Originally Posted by VendingMachine
    @Friendy: Despite the fact that Goga is a wino and a poof, he does the right thing treating a lady as one would treat a whore. That's what you ladies want, believe me, I wouldn't lie to you - a lady wants to be treated as a whore and a whore wants to be treated as a lady - has stood me in good stead, this little golden rule.

    @Линдзи, must you always argue with me? I know you secretely admire me. It's OK, Линдзи, you know I'd be good, you know I'd treat you as a lady.
    Har har har. Sorry, VM, even someone as whorish as I has no interest in having anything to do with a reactionary chauvanist in the throes of a serious midlife crisis.

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