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Thread: Translating "Остановись, мгновение" by Таня Королева

  1. #1
    Tom is offline
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    Translating "Остановись, мгновение" by Таня Королева

    This is my second song today.

    In a post from 2005 ( Lampada posted a link to this song, and I fell in love with it even though I couldn't understand the words. I've finally gone back to it and done a translation. This is a semi-literal translation, so forgive the very poor English.

    Chords included.

    Таня Королева - "Остановись, мгновение"

    Intro: D-9, A-/c, G-6/Bb, A

    (D-9) Устои лет
    The foundations of the years

    Сменить не мудрено, (E7)
    will change/replace without difficulty

    (G-6/Bb) Дороги зарастут (A)
    Roads will become overgrown

    Травой за полчаса. (D-9)
    with grass in half an hour

    (G-6, A)

    (D-9) Ведь на земле
    After all, on the ground,

    Быть вечным не дано (E7)
    eternity will not be given? (I don't understand the grammar here. Why вечным?)

    (G-6/Bb) Ни морю, ни цветку, (A)
    neither to the sea, nor to the flower

    Ни грёзам, ни слезам (D-9)
    not with dreams, not with tears

    (G-6, A)

    (D-9) И пусть в огне (A-/C)
    And in the fire, let

    Горят во цвете лет (Bb)
    be burnt, in the prime of life (in the color of years),

    (A) Тревоги и сомненья. (Fmaj7, G-6, A)
    alarms and doubts.

    (D-9) Любить иль нет - (A-/C)
    To love or not

    А середины нет - (G-6/Bb)
    but there is no compromise (middle, middle ground)

    Остановись, мгновенье!.. (D-9, A-/C, G-6/Bb, A)
    Stay/stop, this moment...

    (D-9, A-/C, G-6/Bb, A)

    (D-9) В порыве чувств
    In a burst of feeling

    Себя не разгадать, (E7)
    to not understand one's self

    (G-6/Bb) Все силы раскидать, (A)
    to scatter all strengths,

    Расплавить старый лёд, (D-9)
    to melt the old ice

    (G-6, A)

    (D-9) И как-то вдруг
    and somehow suddenly

    Взглянуть на календарь, (E7)
    to glance at the calendar

    (G-6/Bb) И с ужасом понять, (A)
    and with horror remember

    Что скоро Новый Год. (D-9)
    that soon is the new year.

    (G-6, A)

    (D-9) И боли нет, (A-/C)
    and there's no pain,

    И воли тоже нет, (Bb)
    and also no will/freedom

    (A) И все в оцепененье, (Fmaj7, G-6, A)
    and everyone is in a stupor (everyone is dazed)

    (D-9) Любить иль нет - (A-/C)
    To love or not

    А середины нет - (G-6/Bb)
    but there is nothing in between

    Остановись, мгновенье!.. (D-9, A-/C, G-6/Bb, A)
    Stay, moment!

    (D-9, A-/C, G-6/Bb, A)
    Last edited by Lampada; January 14th, 2011 at 04:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Lampada's Avatar
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    Re: Translating "Остановись, мгновение" by Таня Королева

    Эту песенку здесь уже прорабатывали: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5421&p=59228#p59228
    "...Важно, чтобы форум оставался местом, объединяющим людей, для которых интересны русский язык и культура. ..." - MasterАdmin (из переписки)

  3. #3
    Завсегдатай it-ogo's Avatar
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    Re: Translating "Остановись, мгновение" by Таня Королева

    Quote Originally Posted by Tom
    In a post from 2005 ( Lampada posted a link to this song, and I fell in love with it even though I couldn't understand the words.
    You have a good taste.

    "After all, on the ground" - on Earth
    eternity will not be given? - maybe is not given?
    (I don't understand the grammar here. Why вечным?) - Быть синим - To be a blue one. A usual grammar.
    and also no will/freedom - I'd say no desires, no wishes.
    "Stay, moment!" - Is it canonical English translation from Goethe's Faust? Then it's OK.
    "Россия для русских" - это неправильно. Остальные-то чем лучше?

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