For people who look for russian pop music for a nice way to get acquainted to the russian language here are some of the artists I like.
- Братья Грим (try the song Стерва)
- Юлиа Савичева (try Я так тебя жду (on youtube, real tears
- Ёлка (try Бросай live)
- Слава
- Нюша
- IOWA (try Улыбайся)
- Ирина Билык
- Ирина Дубцова
- Ночные снайперы
- Полина Гагарина
- Ани Лорак (some songs in ukrainian)
- Город 312
- Макс Фадеев (try Беги по небу)
- МумиЙ Тролль
- Quest Pistols
- Светлана Лобода
- Cerebro (a lot of songs are in english)
- KEiPA (try На юг)
It's usually quite easy to find lyrics for the songs of these artists.
Their music is easily found on too but that's another story![]()