Here's a fun song by Рекорд Оркестр called Гастарбайтер-буги. The best I could do for translating Гастарбайтер-буги was "Guest-Worker Boogie" or "Migrant Worker Boogie." Is that accurate? Several lines in the song were confusing, but here's what I got:
1) По устам течёт аджика! (Mustache flowing adjika! or Mouth flowing adjika!) - I never heard of adjika before, but apparently it's somewhat comparable to salsa. As for уста, it seems to be an archaic word for mouth.
2) Завтра спляшет всё страна - I could not hunt down a meaning for спляшет anywhere. Part of the problem was that was unreachable this morning.
3) аула means village?
4) баула - trunk or travel bag?
5) Blackmailers - In the URL for the song lyrics is the word blackmailers. What is the reason for this?
LYRICS: Текст песни |