Quote Originally Posted by Alex_krsk View Post
Ещё менее естественно верить в подобный бред.

Хотя сам вопрос смахивает на коммунистический лозунг.
In a word that the only philosophical schools are capitalism and communism perhaps.
There are thousands of schools of thoughts supporting social justice that don't have any relation with communism.
Except if we consider communistic the systems of the Scandinavians, UK, etc where the super-rich pay extremely high income taxes in order to support a healthy social network, supporting education and social security.
Russia is ages behind regarding this specific issue.
How can one of the richest and most fearful countries of the word to have so many people living under the poverty threshold?
Except if we support Darwinism and the law of the jungle? If Abramovitz and the other guys made millions ... we shouldn't say: Congratulations you are clever and you made them. The state should ask them: How you made all this money? If it was illegally: Confiscation of wealth and immediately jail. Sounds romantic? Nope ... even Italians, one of the less organized nations in Europe, had the balls to say to Mr. Berlusconi you were not legal and you must pay. Except if you consider Russia something totally different from other European Countries, that should have rules more close to the systems of China or India?