There are some very rich Russians living in my neighbourhood. I don't think they are oligarchs on par with Abramovich and similar, but they own properties that cost several million pounds. They have extremely expensive habits. Why do they live here at all?
Now that's xenophobia. Some Brits in the area could think the same of Swedes as well, how's that?

Thank God I was raised with the concept that counting other people's money is a mauvais ton, but apparently there are people who don't think so. But tell you what, some poor people in central Africa or countries like N.Korea who live for less than $1 a day would think you guys are oligarchs. Seriously, for many people out there $100K a year is the oligarchic level. So, just because someone's richer than you doesn't mean you should hate them.

In fact, I admire all those making much more money than I do, and I try my best to get up to their level, and I never dream of them getting down to mine, and I would advise you guys to do the same.

By the way, in Russian they have a nice saying about those having a black eye on someone more successful than they are --> "пусть лучше у соседа корова сдохнет, чем самому свою иметь", which literally says "I'd better have the neighbor's cow dead, than mine live and good". Don't be like that!