Quote Originally Posted by gRomoZeka
Don't speak for everybody, VendingMachine.
I can't possibly speak for everybody, I only speak on behalf of the majority .

In my family borsch, pelmeny, potato and cutlets are regular food.
My condolences. I hope your cutlets aren't рубленные but натуральные (meat that hasn't gone through a mincer) - at least that's what the English word suggests (that is, be careful when you say cutlet - you risk being misunderstood).

Vareniki and stuffed cabbage are more rare, but still not exotic.
I ate vareniki a while ago. Out of curiosity. Once was enough.

What's about pizza I eat it at most twice a year.
Good on you, man! Pizza is unhealthy. Eat more vegetables. You can't go wrong with those buggers.

P.S. Onion and spinach soups? Ты хочешь сказать, что ЭТО обычные блюда в обычной русской семье?
Нет. Я хочу сказать, что это обычные блюда В ОГРОМНОМ КОЛИЧЕСТВЕ обычных русских семей. Побольше ходи в гости и присматривайся к тому, что едят другие, не замыкайся в себе