Quote Originally Posted by DDT
I think that there must be something in the food in America because people get fat when they go there. I Russia always ate what ever I wanted, lots of bread and cheese and pastries and stayed skinny.
Well, some people say that it's because the American diet has too much fructose, or too many "trans" fats. I think that's [s:u1gw7ayb]bullsh[/s:u1gw7ayb] ерунда, because I've eaten "junk food" all my life, and I'm not fat. В чем моя тайна? Although I enjoy candy and potato chips and Coke and other junk foods, I don't eat them every day of the month -- more like once per week. Even more importantly, I walk a lot, instead of driving in a car. If the weather is pleasant and the distance is less than a mile or so (меньше чем полтора километра), I always, ALWAYS walk.

Однако, много американцев считает, что лишь полкилометра -- это уже слишком далеко, для нормального человека ходить пешком!