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Thread: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

  1. #1
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    From the 2010 New Year's TV special Оливье-Шоу ("Olivier" here means the Russian-style potato salad traditionally eaten as a New Year's dish). This computer-animated "кукла" caricature of Obama also appears regularly on the show Мульт Личности.

    Йааа гаварыт оучинъ карашо парюски!

    Anyway, this clip provides a funny example of someone speaking Russian grammatically but with a VERY heavy American-English accent. One could easily believe that it was done by an American actor reading lines that were written phonetically -- "YAH pahz-druhv-lee-YAH-oo VAHSS", etc. -- until the very last line. (Произношение английской фразы "Хэппи Ню Йир" совершенно выдает актера за русским.) In other words, if your spoken Russian sounds anything close to this, you need a lot more work to improve your pronunciation, lest you remind people of Sean Connery in The Hunt for Red October.

    Sorry that I couldn't find a version on YouTube with English subtitles, but it's not too difficult to understand. (If any of the native Russian speakers can provide a transcript of the text по-русски, I would be grateful -- there are just a few words that I can't catch.)

    ЗЫ Another clip from Мульт Личности, with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. "Хилари" also speaks Russian with an American accent, though hers is less ridiculous-sounding than what we hear from "Барак".
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Quote Originally Posted by Throbert McGee
    Произношение английской фразы "Хэппи Ню Йир" совершенно выдает [s:1j3rs41s]актера за русским[/s:1j3rs41s] в актере русского
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  3. #3
    DDT is offline
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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    That's funny stuff! I actually know an American woman who lived in Russia for 15 years that has a worse accent. She speaks horrible Russian with a horrible Americanization of every word. I never could understand how any Russian person could understand her... but they did.

    Does Obama sound "gay" in this clip? And this one too at about the 2:57 mark?
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    Does Obama sound "gay" in this clip? And this one too at about the 2:57 mark?
    VERY VERY gay!

    Incidentally, his political enemies in the US usually don't stereotype Obama as "sounding gay" -- although they say (and I agree) that he sometimes sounds snobbish/elitist. For example, although Obama doesn't speak Urdu, he has famously been criticized for refusing to Americanize the vowels in "Pakistan" -- he says Па-кий-стан, while most Americans use a pronunciation closer to Пэкыстэн. (Of course, the American "short a" as in "and" isn't phonetically identical to "э", but it's closer to "э" than to the "а" in "брат".)
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

  5. #5
    DDT is offline
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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Quote Originally Posted by Throbert McGee
    . For example, although Obama doesn't speak Urdu, he has famously been criticized for refusing to Americanize the vowels in "Pakistan" -- he says Па-кий-стан, while most Americans use a pronunciation closer to Пэкыстэн. (Of course, the American "short a" as in "and" isn't phonetically identical to "э", but it's closer to "э" than to the "а" in "брат".)
    I wouldn't be surprized that he pronounces it that way because he went to Pakistan with a Pakistani friend in the early 80s. Don't know how long he was there, though! The records have not been made available.
    But I have noticed that Obama says a few words with a foreign accent, as some Americans seem to do if they have spent a little time abroad. I have always found it to sound quite pretentious.
    Let me be a free man, free to travel, free to stop, free to work, free to trade where I choose, free to choose my own teachers, free to follow the religion of my fathers, free to talk, think and act for myself. - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce

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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Okay, folks, I'm trying to do a transcript of the Мульт Личности sketch with Barack Obama in the Oval Office.
    ([s:2n13o7qa]And by the way[/s:2n13o7qa] между прочим, как будет по-русски голубые слова в предыдущем предложении?

    So, here's the transcript -- please correct any mistakes! I've flagged in purple a few words and phrases that I didn't entirely understand -- either I heard them incorrectly, or there was some kind of идиоматическое выражение going on, and I think I missed the sense.

    Секретарша: Господин президент, завтра в двенадцать у вас встреча с Берлускони.
    Обама: Спасибо.
    Секретарша: Берлускони -- это примьер-министер Италии.
    Обама: Да, да, спасибо, я знаю.
    Секретарша: Италия -- эта страна в Европе, в виде сапога.
    Обама: Да я знаю! Что вы меня за эту пиццу держите?
    Обама: Пора быть привыкнуть, Буш здесь уже больше не работает!
    Секретарша: Двенадцать часов -- это когда все стрелочки наверху!
    Обама: Да я же не тупой!
    Секретарша: Когда он прийдет, просто улыбайтесь и кивайте головой!
    Обама: Да ГОСПОДИ-я!
    Секретарша: Кусать его нельзя.
    Обама: Я знаю!
    Секретарша: Повторяю, кусать его нельзя!
    Обама: Прекратите!
    Секретарша: Если вы всё-таки укусили...
    Обама: СТОП! Я не собираюсь никого кусать!
    Секретарша: И обязательно оденьтесь!
    Обама: Я одет!
    Секретарша: Не в шурте...
    Обама: Я знаю! Прекратите, я не Буш!
    (входит Хилари, и рэп звучит откуда-то)
    Хилари: Yo, brother, respect тебе! What's up, my n*gga?
    Обама: Yo, babe! Ну наконец-то,
    кто-то понимает,
    что новый президент
    в струне играет!
    Отличные люди
    у него в команде! Respect, girl!
    (Рэп продолжает играть, как Обама танцует)
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

  7. #7
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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Берлускони -- это премьер-министер Италии.
    Италия -- это страна в Европе_ в виде сапога.
    Да я знаю! Что вы меня за эту пиццу держите? -> Что вы меня за тупицу держите? (тупица = dimwit)
    Пора быть привыкнуть[/color], ... -> Пора бы привыкнуть...
    Когда он придет, просто улыбайтесь и кивайте головой!
    Не в шурте... -> Не в шорты... (shorts)
    в струне играет! - > в стране

    PS. It's ok to use "транскрипт" and "скетч" for transcript and sketch in this case.

  8. #8
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Спасибо большое, gRomoZeka! I'm planning to make a subtitled version of the video with titles in English AND Russian, to help learners of both languages.

    I really wish it weren't so difficult to find Russian-language movies and videos с субтитрами на русском языке. You guys over there learning English have a huge advantage because practically all American-made DVDs (well, not counting porn!) have English subtitle tracks for the deaf and hard-of-hearing.
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Quote Originally Posted by Throbert McGee
    ([s:1vxez6o7]And by the way[/s:1vxez6o7] между прочим, как будет по-русски [s:1vxez6o7]голубые слова[/s:1vxez6o7] слова, выделенные голубым, в предыдущем предложении?
    Я сначала подумала, что "голубые слова" - это что-то вроде "gay subject words".

    "Как будет по-русски слова..." is incorrect anyway. "Как будут..." is gramatically correct and sounds better (still not very good in my opinion). One could also say "Как перевести на-русский слова, выделенные...", or "Как сказать по-русски слова, выделенные..." (worse).

    Oval Office - Овальный кабинет

    премьер-министр Италии
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  10. #10
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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Я сначала подумала, что "голубые слова" - это что-то вроде [s:3umkt61f]"gay subject words"[/s:3umkt61f] gay-themed words; gay-related words; words on the subject of gays; words having to do with the gay subculture (any of these are grammatically acceptable, and I'd especially recommend the first two for being shorter, but "gay subject words" would appear to mean something like "слова в именительном падеже про тему геев").
    Еще раз, спасибо за ваши исправления!
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Quote Originally Posted by Throbert McGee
    Еще раз, спасибо за ваши исправления!
    А вам за ваши.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  12. #12
    Завсегдатай sperk's Avatar
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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    But I have noticed that Obama says a few words with a foreign accent, as some Americans seem to do if they have spent a little time abroad. I have always found it to sound quite pretentious.
    In the last 10 yrs or so there has been a ridiculous trend in US broadcasting to try and replicate native accents and pronounciation, particularly with names.
    Кому - нары, кому - Канары.

  13. #13
    Завсегдатай Throbert McGee's Avatar
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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Quote Originally Posted by sperk
    Quote Originally Posted by DDT
    But I have noticed that Obama says a few words with a foreign accent, as some Americans seem to do if they have spent a little time abroad. I have always found it to sound quite pretentious.
    In the last 10 yrs or so there has been a ridiculous trend in US broadcasting to try and replicate native accents and pronunciation, particularly with names.
    Yes... it starts innocently enough, with some Americans scolding other Americans, "Oh, you shouldn't say Iraq and Iran as eye-RACK (ай-РЭК) and eye-RAN (ай-РЭН) -- that's wrong, and disrespectful to their language and culture! The proper way to say it is ee-ROCK (и-РАК) and ee-RON (и-РАН)!" As seen, for example, in this commercial for CNN. But once people start getting intimidated by know-it-alls who insist on ee-ROCK and ee-RON, it's a short path from there to TV newsreaders who don't speak a word of Spanish saying "Nicaragua" as "nee-ka-R-R-R-A-wa" and dentalizing all the consonants in "Latino."

    What that blonde woman should've retorted to the tiresome Christiane Amanpour is "Tell you what, Polly Prissypants -- I'll start saying ee-ROCK and ee-RON just as soon as they can be bothered to wrap their slothful heathen tongues around ah-MEH-ri-ka, and stop calling our country am-REE-ka in Arabic and Farsi!"
    Говорит Бегемот: "Dear citizens of MR -- please correct my Russian mistakes!"

  14. #14
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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    гие друзья! в выходящем году между нашими страними произошла перезагрузка. Это получилось потому, что Америка сменила пользователя. надеюсь, в наступающим году мы отчистим корзину недоверия, удалим неиспользованные межконтиненталные ярлыки, и вообще нам пора выходить на новый уровень. Главное - не забывать сохраняться. Поздравляю вас, друзья россияне! верьте в себя! Успех может прийти неожиданно. ????? ни за что. Это я вам как Нобелевский лауреат говорю! Happy New Year!

  15. #15
    Завсегдатай chaika's Avatar
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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    забавные фильмы! но теперь, конечно, надо будет устроить жихад и убить вас за неуважение к нашему великому Но. 1.

    Интересно, а возможно такое, где сюжет ВАШ президент (то есть премьер-министр Володя)?

    Извините за тупость, но в клипе кто этот Сергей? напоминает Брежнева, с бровьями.

  16. #16
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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Is this the one you are talking about, Sergey Lavrov, the Foreign Minister of Russia?
    What do you mean а возможно такое? Look to the right, there’s plenty of every one, make your pick. This one for example

  17. #17
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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Quote Originally Posted by Paperplane
    гие друзья! в выходящем году между нашими страними произошла перезагрузка. Это получилось потому, что Америка сменила пользователя. надеюсь, в наступающим году мы отчистим корзину недоверия, удалим неиспользованные межконтиненталные ярлыки, и вообще нам пора выходить на новый уровень. Главное - не забывать сохраняться. Поздравляю вас, друзья россияне! верьте в себя! Успех может прийти неожиданно. ????? ни за что. Это я вам как Нобелевский лауреат говорю! Happy New Year!
    внезапно, ни за что.
    Хотя смысла в этой фразе я не улавливаю.

  18. #18
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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Quote Originally Posted by Throbert McGee

    Yes... it starts innocently enough, with some Americans scolding other Americans, "Oh, you shouldn't say Iraq and Iran as eye-RACK (ай-РЭК) and eye-RAN (ай-РЭН) -- that's wrong, and disrespectful to their language and culture! The proper way to say it is ee-ROCK (и-РАК) and ee-RON (и-РАН)!" As seen, for example, in this commercial for CNN. But once people start getting intimidated by know-it-alls who insist on ee-ROCK and ee-RON, it's a short path from there to TV newsreaders who don't speak a word of Spanish saying "Nicaragua" as "nee-ka-R-R-R-A-wa" and dentalizing all the consonants in "Latino."

    What that blonde woman should've retorted to the tiresome Christiane Amanpour is "Tell you what, Polly Prissypants -- I'll start saying ee-ROCK and ee-RON just as soon as they can be bothered to wrap their slothful heathen tongues around ah-MEH-ri-ka, and stop calling our country am-REE-ka in Arabic and Farsi!"
    And how do we have to pronounce it eventually? Our LINGVO dictionary says it should be something like your ee-ROCK and ee-RON.

  19. #19
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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Quote Originally Posted by alexB
    Quote Originally Posted by Paperplane
    гие друзья! в выходящем году между нашими страними произошла перезагрузка. Это получилось потому, что Америка сменила пользователя. надеюсь, в наступающим году мы отчистим корзину недоверия, удалим неиспользованные межконтиненталные ярлыки, и вообще нам пора выходить на новый уровень. Главное - не забывать сохраняться. Поздравляю вас, друзья россияне! верьте в себя! Успех может прийти неожиданно. ????? ни за что. Это я вам как Нобелевский лауреат говорю! Happy New Year!
    внезапно, ни за что.
    Хотя смысла в этой фразе я не улавливаю.
    спасибо болшое.

    это вероятно из-за нобелевской премии.

  20. #20
    SAn is offline
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    Re: Cartoon-Obama speaking па-рюсски

    Quote Originally Posted by chaika
    Интересно, а возможно такое, где сюжет ВАШ президент (то есть премьер-министр Володя)?
    Такое практически невозможно:

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