Practicing a few tongue twisters and wanted to see how my pronunciation is. I will be posting a couple more shortly....thanks for any help!
Кукушка кукушонку купила капюшон. Надел кукушонок капюшон. Как в капюшоне он смешон.
Practicing a few tongue twisters and wanted to see how my pronunciation is. I will be posting a couple more shortly....thanks for any help!
Кукушка кукушонку купила капюшон. Надел кукушонок капюшон. Как в капюшоне он смешон.
Your Os sound a bit American.Originally Posted by anthonyd
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Here is another tongue twister....
Ложечка ты моя, желобовыгибистая да с переподвыподвертом.
Ok, one more for now....
Курил турка трубку, клевала курка крупку: не кури, турка, трубки, не клюй,курка, крупки!
Е is pronounce Ye. You are saying И. When it is unstressed you can do this, but not when it is stressed.
Also unstressed Os are pronounced like an A.
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