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Thread: Voice chat over the internet

  1. #1
    Увлечённый спикер
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    Aug 2005
    The Netherlands
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    Voice chat over the internet

    Hey everyone. I was wondering who uses voice-chat over the internet? I've used Skype yesterday and it worked pretty nice. There is only one problem and that's the CPU useages that sometimes gives my voice a weird digital sound. I've also been looking on the Internet and there seem to be more programs. Yahoo is also been developing a voice-chat program and there is another program called "Jajah" that is also compatible with Skype. By the can download Skype from

    It's really cool to be able to talk on the internet for free with other persons without an extreme delay. Nice for learning languages
    Have fun voice-chatting!

    By the name is Meazrael on Skype
    I currently still have to install the Yahoo and the Jajah messenger. Let's see which one is the best.
    ангел мой!

  2. #2
    Почтенный гражданин
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    Jul 2005
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    Yes. That was cool. And free of charge. And cool.

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