I am interested in improving my quite bad written Russian. I am interested in email correspondence at this time. In turn, I can help you with your (American/Canadian) English. Preferrably, you are around 30 and up. I'm open to any topic. Personally, I am interested in film, film, film, literature, history, humanities in general. My work has to do with Soviet film. In principle, however, emails can be about anything. PLEASE BE A NORMAL HUMAN BEING. If you write in internet slang using no punctuation, please move on to the next ad.

If you know German, that would be really great as I'm also trying to practice my (so far) fairly bad German!

My email is
freezeframe __at__ live __dot__ ca
Thanks to all who looked.

PS I'm sure the interest should be flattering but I am categorically NOT interested in any kind of "intimate" correspondence for any reason whatsoever.