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Thread: russian penpal or spanish

  1. #1

    russian penpal or spanish

    hello everyone,
    i'd like to have a penpal from russia because i'd like to know the country more. anyone interested.
    here is my email addresse

    i would like a penpal that i could call and write to at the same time thanks
    xXx barbara xXx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
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    I speak spanish, if you wanna contact me my e-mail is Bye.

  3. #3
    Подающий надежды оратор
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
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    Hello, my name is Nikolay (from KZ), 17. I am a student. Who doesn't know, it means that i like parties, football matches and many other joyous things. But in future i want to be a good man, who likes pets and his neighbours... Terrible perspective!
    So I know Russian, Kazakh and .... English

    connect me plz:
    or icq
    Размашисто ставлю свой плюсик: "+"
    Я очень люблю Носова! Просто в мире не сыщется другого такого человека, также нежно и гордо писавшего о зелено-красном земном шаре!

  4. #4


    Do you play soccer (football) there in Russia?

    Here in Argentina it's the most popular sport!!!


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