Good afternoon! My name is Jared and I'm from Ontario, Canada. My age is 19 years old. I can offer my English for your Russian and any level of knowledge is acceptable. My Russian is presently at a novice level.
Good afternoon! My name is Jared and I'm from Ontario, Canada. My age is 19 years old. I can offer my English for your Russian and any level of knowledge is acceptable. My Russian is presently at a novice level.
Truth will set you free
Hello! My name is Helen, I am 27. I live in Russia. I am interested in learning languages too. I have some experience of teaching so I think it can be a mutual benefit.My e-mail is
Do you have an ICQ?
Привет, меня зовут Катя. Я из Москвы. Мне 23 года. Такой exchange мне очень подходит. Мой адрес:, icq 190924787.
Hello! My name is Sergey, I am 24.
I live in Mukachevo, Ukraine.
It is a small town in Transcarpathia.
I'm interested also in learning English language
and teach Russian or Ukrainian in exchange.
My e-mail:
Mobile: +38-050-69268039
Icq: 5552600
Hello, My name is Venera. I live in Moscow and my native language is Russian. I'll be glad to write to you in Russian and English. Write to me if you have a chance. My e-mail
Здравствуй Jared. Я Александр, из России. Мне 18 лет. Давай попробуем пиши сюда
hastenax AT yandex DOT COM
ICQ#: 60412030[/b]
sorry email is wrongOriginally Posted by intman_green
hastenax AT yandex DOT ru
I can help you with Russian.
Hallo, Jared!
Let's try.
In case nobody caught it before:
Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!!))
In behalf of the movement for the denoobization I modestly turn your accurate attention to the fact that you must click at and type a relevant piece of information in case to establish thereby the mail contact to the person owing the aforesaid address and conduct the productive communication in accord with the agreement of the two parties to exchange their experience herewith.
P.S. I know I can't beat you, Kalinka!
P.P.S. How do I sound? Anyone?
«И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».
Originally Posted by Rtyom
Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!!))
Translation:Originally Posted by kalinka_vinnie
If you're not dumb, take this email and write a coupla lines just to chat and share your views with the other person.
Is my officialese vague? I have to work it out.
«И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».
You're what?Originally Posted by Rtyom
Потри лампу и узнаешь.Originally Posted by net surfer
You sound very good, I had to look at the username a couple of times to make sure it was you and not a native English speaker!!! I do have some suggestions, though (although what you said is perfectly clear)Originally Posted by Rtyom
(your words, and ones I think sound a little better below them)
must click on
must click at
in case to
in order to
the aforesaid
the aforementioned
in accord with the agreement
accord = agreement, so it's a little repetitive
heretofore sounds a little better
"Alright, brain, I don't like you and you don't like me, so let's just figure this out and I'll get back to killing you with beer."
Other things Fantom choosed to ignore (naugthy)Originally Posted by Rtyom
- There is no such thing as accurate attention. Just attention is fine.
- "a relevant piece information" does not work. "typr relevant information"
- in fact that whole sentence sounds better as "type relevant information to establish by that email contact with the person who owens the aforementioned address..."
"conduct productive information"
Hei, rett norsken min og du er død.
I am a notourriouse misspeller. Be easy on me.
Пожалуйста! Исправляйте мои глупые ошибки (но оставьте умные)!
Yo hablo español mejor que tú.
Trusnse kal'rt eturule sikay!!!))
In behalf of the movement for the denoobization I modestly turn your attention to the fact that you must click at and type relevant information in order to establish thereby the mail contact to the person who owns the aforementioned address and conduct the productive communication in accord with the two parties to exchange their experience heretofore.
Our company in the person of Rtyom expresses much gratitude for your courteous acceptance of the precursory message and anticipates a soon reception to the native speakers community.
Thanks for your comments!
And some specfication... Kalinka, does "thereby" work or "by that" looks more relevant?
Fantom, I didn't even know of existence of such a complex word "heretofore".Anyway, I can say a woohoo! 'Cause I grasped the idea.
«И всё, что сейчас происходит внутре — тоже является частью вселенной».
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