Ok, my dictionary and my textbook err... contradict each other on this (note to self: get a better dictionary. Or a textbook. ) and Lingvo is very vague on the subject and contradicts itself. ("3)Corresponds to 2nd person of Russian verbs (all examples, except one are translated in the 3rd person.) 4) definite pronoun(conversational) I, you, he, she it" (no examples, very helpful.) )
But after looking at some examples it started to seem to me that "on" is pretty much the same thing in French as dropped pronoun is in Russian, except in idioms like "il fait" or "il y a", and it's always optional, while in Russian you often have to drop pronouns. Like:
- Pourquoi es-tu sale?
- On est tombé. (Je suis tombé)
- Ты почему грязный?
- [Я] Упал.
On demande: <métier> (nous demandons)
[Нам] Требуется <профессия>
"Хитро выдумано" comme on dit en Russie. (il dit)
Как [они, always dropped] говорят(=сказали бы) в России, - "хитро выдумано".
Alors mes amis, que veut-on faire ? (voulez-vous)
Ну, друзья, что [вы] хотите делать?
Is this correct?