Salut Bublinka!
Est qu'est-ce que c'est, le Subjonctif Imparfait? plût est 3e personne du singulier de l'imparfait du subjonctif. (plut - traduction - Dictionnaire Français-Anglais
"Dans cette lettre il n'était pas une ligne qui ne plût à Thérèse."
Well, I have now to write in English .
This is written language. I am learning French too, but as far as I know, this is formal negative structures consist of ne without
pas or any other negative word. There are two forms:
ne explétif and the
ne littéraire. Dans cette lettre il n'était pas une ligne qui ne plût à Thérèse. -
There was no single line that Thérèse didn't like. (= she liked every line of it)
Ne Expletive is not negation, but it has anaphoric meaning. I'll use their example (site, link above), but how my book explains it.
Elle a peur qu'il revienne.
She's afraid that he'll come back.
(She's afraid that he may come back)
Elle a peur qu'il ne revienne.
She's afraid that he will come back.
(She's afraid that he may not come back.)
Elle a peur qu'il ne revienne pas.
(She's afraid that he won't come back.)
Hope it helps.