How do you pronounce letter “s” in word-combination “sp” in Dutch? Is it the same as in German (i.e. English “sh”) or just the same “s”? For example, “spreek” sounds like “sh-p-r-eh-k” or “s-p-r-eh-k”?
How do you pronounce letter “s” in word-combination “sp” in Dutch? Is it the same as in German (i.e. English “sh”) or just the same “s”? For example, “spreek” sounds like “sh-p-r-eh-k” or “s-p-r-eh-k”?
The second.
De 'sh' sound does not exist in the Dutch language, except for some foreign words, eg. goulash.
well , if i'm not mistaken
spreek means = speak
right ????
hehehehe ,, coz i'm planning to take dutch course ^^
'spreken' means to speak.
But that's odd because every time I've heard a Dutch person speak English the 's' always sounds a bit like 'sh'.Originally Posted by Anonymous
TU-160 wrote:
It would be pronounced as “s-p-r-eh-k". In Dutch we would not make an 'sh' sound out of the s.How do you pronounce letter “s” in word-combination “sp” in Dutch? Is it the same as in German (i.e. English “sh”) or just the same “s”? For example, “spreek” sounds like “sh-p-r-eh-k” or “s-p-r-eh-k”?
'spreek' sort of sounds like 'sprake' (if the word would exist) in English.
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