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Thread: help to translate!

  1. #1
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    help to translate!

    hi! I would be very glad if someone can translate to me these 4 sentences: "бог отаџбина породица" and "za srbiju,srpstvo i pravoslavlje" and "Tigrovi (Arkanovci) Srbijo! Kunem ti se Bogom, sta god da se desi, ja ostajem s tobom!
    Braniti i poginuti za Srbiju, Srpstvo i Pravoslavlje je herojski cin i raj je tim osobama siguran!
    Za Srbiju, Srpstvo i Pravoslavlje!
    Otpor Srbije, cuo se do neba!
    S VEROM U BOGA SLOBODA ILI SMRT " and finally "Samo Sloga
    Srbina Spasava"
    thank you very much!!

  2. #2
    JJ is offline
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    I cannot speak srpski but I'll try to translate it without using any dictionaries. Guys, is it correct?
    za srbiju,srpstvo i pravoslavlje
    For Serbia, Serbians and orthodox church!
    "Tigrovi (Arkanovci) Srbijo!
    Serbian Tigers!
    Kunem ti se Bogom, sta god da se desi, ja ostajem s tobom!
    ??????? youself with God, 100 years and ?? ????, I will stand with you.
    Braniti i poginuti za Srbiju, Srpstvo i Pravoslavlje je herojski cin i raj je tim osobama siguran!
    Fight and die for Serbia, Serbians and orthodox church is heroic ??? and the Heaven is for those persons ???????.
    Za Srbiju, Srpstvo i Pravoslavlje!
    For Serbia, Serbians and orthodox church!
    Otpor Srbije, cuo se do neba!
    Resistance of Serbia, ??? ?? up to the sky!
    S VEROM U BOGA SLOBODA ILI SMRT " and finally "Samo Sloga
    Srbina Spasava"
    With belief in God, freedom or death. Self ????? Serbian ?????? (spasava means somthing about saved/saving).
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  3. #3
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    JJ you're right about sentences, but not exactly good translation. You found point...
    I'll write in cyrillic font:

    за Србију, српство и православље [za Srbiju,srpstvo i pravoslavlje]
    For Serbia, Serbian nationality and Orthodoxy

    Тигровци (Аркановци) Србијо! [Tigrovi (Arkanovci) Srbijo!]
    Tigers (Arkan's) Serbia!

    Кунем ти се Богом, шта год да се деси, ја остајем с тобом! [Kunem ti se Bogom, sta god da se desi, ja ostajem s tobom!]
    I swear to God, whatever happens, I stay with you!

    Бранити и погинути за Србију, српство и православље је херојски чин и рај је тим особама сигуран! [Braniti i poginuti za Srbiju, Srpstvo i Pravoslavlje je herojski cin i raj je tim osobama siguran!]
    Defend and die for Serbia, Serbian nationality and orthodoxy is heroic act and heaven is secured for those persons!

    За Србију, српство и православље! [Za Srbiju, Srpstvo i Pravoslavlje!]
    For Serbia, Serbian nationality and orthodoxy!

    Отпор Србије, чуо се до неба! [Otpor Srbije, cuo se do neba!]
    Resistance of Serbia, was heard up to the sky!

    With belief in God, freedom or death.

    Само слога Србина спашава [Samo Sloga Srbina Spasava]
    Only accord saves the Serb

    These are very nationalistic stuff...
    Не могу све битке да се добијају. Рат не добија онај који оће све битке да добије него онај који уме паметно да их губи.
    Драгослав Михајловић

  4. #4
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    thank you very much JJ and Vlacko!
    yes, these sentences are very nationalistic, I found these around sites about cetniks movement ecc..

  5. #5
    JJ is offline
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    Vlacko, in Cyrillic this text is more understandable. I could guess that Кунем ти се Богом (it sounds almost like клянусь/клянёмся богом) could be i/we swear to God, and чин in this context means act (such as почин in russian) чуять - to hear in ukrainian( to feel in russian) and I would never confuse ста/шта and so on.
    BTW бранить in modern russian means to abuse, although we still use поле брани as battlefield so i thought бранити means to fight.
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  6. #6
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    JJ how do you know Serbian?
    Не могу све битке да се добијају. Рат не добија онај који оће све битке да добије него онај који уме паметно да их губи.
    Драгослав Михајловић

  7. #7
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    Здраво people! Како сте? Јесам овде први раз и имам огрешки за језик Молим вас да кажем ако где је моји огрешки
    Надам се на ваше помоћ
    Русский выучить не трудно, трудно его понять...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slawnik
    Здраво people! Како сте? Јесам овде први раз и имам огрешки за језик Молим вас да кажем ако где је моји огрешки
    Надам се на ваше помоћ
    Здраво people! [grammaticly right]
    Како сте? [grammaticly right]
    Јесам овде први раз и имам огрешки за језик [grammaticly tottaly wrong]
    Right sentence should be:
    Ја сам овде први пут и имам грешака у језику

    I suppose you wanted to say that.

    Молим вас да кажем ако где је моји огрешки [grammaticly tottaly wrong]
    Молим вас да ми кажете где су моје грешке

    Надам се на ваше помоћ
    Надам се вашој помоћи

    Slawnik you're not bad for begginer. Welcome here!
    Не могу све битке да се добијају. Рат не добија онај који оће све битке да добије него онај који уме паметно да их губи.
    Драгослав Михајловић

  9. #9
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    Хвала Vlacko! You are right, I'm only a beginer in serbian. There is a strong fraud in similarity of russian and serbian. And it's a trap for me
    If I want to say something in serbian and I don't know how it to do I use russian words remaking them in serbian style and sometimes grammar That is why I need a good lernbook of serbian and OF COURSE help of native serbian sreakers as you. So I guess you will not be angry if I would do some mistakes

    Још пут хвала!
    Русский выучить не трудно, трудно его понять...

  10. #10
    JJ is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlacko
    JJ how do you know Serbian?
    Vlacko, I dont know Srpski. I'm just native Russian. There are a lot the same things in both languages, the same old slavic roots of the words. When I read the serbian sites i can easy get up to 60-70% of text, though it depends on context. Btw, raeding Bulgarian is much easyer. Polish and Czech are a bit harder to understand becouse they are not in Cyrillic.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slawnik
    Хвала Vlacko! You are right, I'm only a beginer in serbian. There is a strong fraud in similarity of russian and serbian. And it's a trap for me
    If I want to say something in serbian and I don't know how it to do I use russian words remaking them in serbian style and sometimes grammar That is why I need a good lernbook of serbian and OF COURSE help of native serbian sreakers as you. So I guess you will not be angry if I would do some mistakes

    Још пут хвала!
    Slawnik if you have any question I'm here to help you! I'll be glad to do it.
    P.S. What did you think when you wrote "Још пут хвала!"? I don't understand that sentence?
    P.S.S. Slawnik I also expect a help from you and other Russian members for me and my Russian language, which is still very weak.
    Не могу све битке да се добијају. Рат не добија онај који оће све битке да добије него онај који уме паметно да их губи.
    Драгослав Михајловић

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ
    Quote Originally Posted by Vlacko
    JJ how do you know Serbian?
    Vlacko, I dont know Srpski. I'm just native Russian. There are a lot the same things in both languages, the same old slavic roots of the words. When I read the serbian sites i can easy get up to 60-70% of text, though it depends on context. Btw, raeding Bulgarian is much easyer. Polish and Czech are a bit harder to understand becouse they are not in Cyrillic.
    JJ name of our language we write with small letters. srpski [correct], Srpski [wrong, exept in hte begining of the sentence]
    That is a great illusion about simillarities between our two languages. Everyone said to me that Serbian and Russian are same languages almost, but that is as I said that is a lie. There are many same word in both languages which have completely different meaning in both languages.
    E.G. :

    реч [word], речь [speach]
    сахранити [to bury], сохранить [to keep]
    слово [letter], слово [word]...
    Не могу све битке да се добијају. Рат не добија онај који оће све битке да добије него онај који уме паметно да их губи.
    Драгослав Михајловић

  13. #13
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    ...or that example from Unilang

    Russian: diarrhoea
    Serbian: pride
    Џорџ Буш је ратни злочинац!

  14. #14
    JJ is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vlacko
    JJ name of our language we write with small letters. srpski [correct], Srpski [wrong, exept in hte begining of the sentence]
    I've just wrote it using the English rules.
    Everyone said to me that Serbian and Russian are same languages almost, but that is as I said that is a lie. There are many same word in both languages which have completely different meaning in both languages.
    E.G. :
    речи [speech] - речи [speeches]
    сахранити [to bury], схоронить - sounds like схаранить [to have buried]
    слово [letter, oration], слово [word, story - "Слово о полку Игореве"] If you want to see no simillarities - ok, let's stop useless talking about it.
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  15. #15
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    I didn't say that there are no simillarities, absoluely oposite, there are simillarities, but they through the ages, changed their meaning... Our two languages are simillar, adn anyone who says different is lying.
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    Драгослав Михајловић

  16. #16
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    " Још пут хвала" I wanted to say " Thanks ones more" One of the main difference between serbian and russian is in infinitive. We say Я хочу спросить but serbian say Ја хоћу да питам.
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  17. #17
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    "Thanks ones more" could be translated Хвала још једном! or more poetical Још једном хвала!

    Yes it is, and the absense of auxilliary verb in Russian.
    Не могу све битке да се добијају. Рат не добија онај који оће све битке да добије него онај који уме паметно да их губи.
    Драгослав Михајловић

  18. #18
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    So, if you have some questions about russian leave me a private message or ask right here. I will the same (about serbian).
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  19. #19
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    Не могу све битке да се добијају. Рат не добија онај који оће све битке да добије него онај који уме паметно да их губи.
    Драгослав Михајловић

  20. #20
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    all slavik languages have some close words..

    I was suprised that "kino" is in a lot of languages.

    do Serb, Bos, and Croation use KAK? I know Russian does, and Polish uses Yak.

    I know Godzina is in Bosnian as well for hour?

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