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Thread: у меня нет зачета

  1. #1
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    у меня нет зачета

    Друзья, помогите! Как перевести на английский "У меня нет зачета по такому-то предмету". Смысл такой, что нет зачета = нет галочки в зачетке = нет стипендии. Т.е. вариант "я не сдал такой-то предмет" мне не подходит (так как это не экзамен, а зачет, не поставленный из-за прогулов). Ах да, вариант с "они" ("they haven't passed me in...") тоже, увы, не подходит. Можно как-то по-другому сказать, более "безлично"?
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  2. #2
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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    Хмм. Может быть, что нибудь типа "I haven't been credited for (I haven't been given credit for) <название предмета или части курса>."

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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    Quote Originally Posted by translationsnmru
    Хмм. Может быть, что нибудь типа "I haven't been credited for (I haven't been given credit for) <название предмета или части курса>."
    Thank you!

    How does this variant sound then: I haven't got a credit for [mathematics]. ?
    What meaning does it have for natives?
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    I have not passed a test in mathematics. Не знаю как безличнее, но так вроде понятнее.

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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    Quote Originally Posted by studyr
    I have not passed a test in mathematics. Не знаю как безличнее, но так вроде понятнее.
    Какой "тест"?

    это не экзамен (= не тест), а зачет, не поставленный из-за прогулов
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  6. #6
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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    может быть это чем-нибудь поможет?
    1) (вид проверки знаний) ≈ (end-of-term / final) test;
    (удостоверение прохождения части какого-л курса) credit (амер.)
    сдавать зачёт (по ) — take a test (in)
    получить / сдать зачёт — pass a test
    не сдать зачёт — fail a test
    поставить кому-л зачёт — pass smb, give smb a pass
    не поставить кому-л зачёт — fail smb
    мне поставили зачёт по физике — they have passed me in physics
    проставить студенту зачёт в зачётную книжку — sign the student's record book

  7. #7
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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    Quote Originally Posted by studyr
    I have not passed a test in mathematics. Не знаю как безличнее, но так вроде понятнее.
    Какой "тест"?

    это не экзамен (= не тест), а зачет, не поставленный из-за прогулов
    Можно добавить "Because I was absent", а ещё точнее "У меня нет зачёта"="I don't have a mark about passing a test in my (student's) record-book.

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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    NATIVES, PLEASE, tell me if the sentence "I haven't got a credit for mathematics" makes any sense. Thank you!
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  9. #9
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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    NATIVES, PLEASE, tell me if the sentence "I haven't got a credit for mathematics" makes any sense. Thank you!
    Вот здесь примеры использования слов Test и Credit. Мне кажется такая конструкция скорее будет означать "Я не сдал выпускной по математике". Хотя возможно это формулировки, используемые только в правилах этой школы.

  10. #10
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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    NATIVES, PLEASE, tell me if the sentence "I haven't got a credit for mathematics" makes any sense. Thank you!
    The sentence can make sense in some contexts.

    "Credit" and "a credit" are different things. "Credit", in this context, means that the teacher recorded your score (didn't lose your test or something like that). So, if your computer crashed with all your school work on it, you might say, "I did all the work, but I didn't get credit for it."

    "Credit" as a count noun (one credit, two credits) refers to passing an entire course, usually in a university, although high schools in the US also use credits this way. I think at my college I needed 126 credits in order to graduate. Each class might be worth 1-4 credits based on how many hours of work the class required.

    So if you say "I don't have any credits in mathematics", that means you haven't passed or completed any math classes.

  11. #11
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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    NATIVES, PLEASE, tell me if the sentence "I haven't got a credit for mathematics" makes any sense. Thank you!
    on its own it wouldn't make much sense. It depends on what you're trying to say. Credit can be for a whole course in which case it's plural and would be expressed like: "I don't have any credits in math,"
    as a course will usually consist of 3 credits. (BTW, you either get 3 or zero; don't ask why, I have no idea.) If you took the course and didn't get any credits, you would say, "I failed math," rather than "I didn't get any credits in math."
    Credit can be used in a smaller sense but usually in the context of a particular assignment.
    For example: "I didn't get any credit for last night's math homework," in which case "credit" refers to a particular assignment in math and is not expressed by "I didn't get any credit in math."
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  12. #12
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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    Okay, I'll tell you all how our university system works:

    At the end of an academic year you have marks in all disciplines. Some disciplines are estimated like in school: 3, 4, or 5 (they're like your "C", "B", and "A"). You need to pass exams in those disciplines. If you don't have a "3" at least, that means problems. You need to try to pass the exam once more. If you fail again, you'll be excluded.
    But there's also a lot of disciplines which are not that important (for example, physical training). One never takes exams in them. It's enough if you just attend the class. If you did all the semester, the teacher simply gives you a mark "зачёт" (which doesn't mean "A", or "B", or "C"; it means just "okay"). That means you are a good student and you attended all lections, and you know enough about the subject.
    But if you missed lections, the teacher might not give you the "okay". And that means the same problems as if you had not passed an exam.
    So what I'm trying to say in English is that someone doesn't have an "okay" in, say, mathematics. It doesn't mean that he "didn't pass" an exam because there wasn't a math exam. He just missed too many lections. And the teacher doesn't want to give him a tick of some kind.
    I actually don't know if it's possible to say it in English because your system is very different. As far as I know you don't have disciplines you don't need for your specialization. But, for example, our philology students are forced to listen to economics lections which I, for one, find very stupid...
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  13. #13
    Завсегдатай Crocodile's Avatar
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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    And what about: "I haven't passed the math course."

    Quote Originally Posted by es&p_dept_cd=M+E+STU
    Course may be repeated for credit with different instructor. One to four hours of directed group study per week. Must be taken on a passed/not passed basis.

  14. #14
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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    As far as I know you don't have disciplines you don't need for your specialization. But, for example, our philology students are forced to listen to economics lections which I, for one, find very stupid...
    You have to take courses that aren't in your major (specialization) e.g. engineers have to take English and art majors have to take some math and science. Everyone has to take gym (physical training.) The thing is, they are all graded, even gym, there are no classes where you just show up and get credit (зачет.)
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  15. #15
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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    So what I'm trying to say in English is that someone doesn't have an "okay" in, say, mathematics. It doesn't mean that he "didn't pass" an exam because there wasn't a math exam. He just missed too many lections. And the teacher doesn't want to give him a tick of some kind.
    In the United States you could say: "I failed math/mathematics." or "I got/received no credit for/in math/mathematics." or "I got an I (Incomplete) in math/mathematics."

    In the UK the course would be "maths/mathematics" ... &dict=CALD
    I could not find an example of the "I" or "Incomplete" mark in the UK, but at least one UK university has an "N" mark for non attendance or non submission. ... 008335.pdf

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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    Thanks everyone.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  17. #17
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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    Quote Originally Posted by sperk
    Quote Originally Posted by Оля
    As far as I know you don't have disciplines you don't need for your specialization. But, for example, our philology students are forced to listen to economics lections which I, for one, find very stupid...
    You have to take courses that aren't in your major (specialization) e.g. engineers have to take English and art majors have to take some math and science. Everyone has to take gym (physical training.) The thing is, they are all graded, even gym, there are no classes where you just show up and get credit (зачет.)
    That's not always true. Some colleges and universities have classes which can be taken on a pass/fail basis, as in the link from crocodile. It's not common, but it is exactly like what Olya describes in the Russian system. They are classes which are not related to your major field of study. I only had one class like that in college, but I've heard of other schools where you could choose to take many classes that way.

    There's an interesting discussion about it here, and here is a policy about it at the University of Georgia. Another policy from Kansas State here.

  18. #18
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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    LOL, I can't believe the debate going over this word.

    Зачёт's closest English equivalent in this context is "quiz." A зачёт is like a mini-test, pretty much a quiz. In our Russian class that's how we broke down our tests and quizzes

    Quiz - зачёт.
    Test - контрольная (работа).
    Exam - экзамен.

    Problem solved.
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  19. #19
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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    Quote Originally Posted by Yazeed
    A зачёт is like a mini-test, pretty much a quiz.
    Looks like you haven't read the whole thread.
    In Russian, all nationalities and their corresponding languages start with a lower-case letter.

  20. #20
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    Re: у меня нет зачета

    (Следующее я написал не для тебя, Оля, поскольку ты всё это знаешь, а для англоговорящих. Может, у них найдётся ответ.)

    Clearly, there is a misconception on the meaning of зачёт.

    In Russian schools and universities, as a rule of thumb, most courses have a final exam ("экзамен") in the end of the semester ("семестр") or academic year ("учебный год" is the general term, "курс" is for universities) during the exam season ("(экзаменнационная) сессия"), and it is usually the final exam only that defines the grade ("оценка") of the whole semester or year for any given subject.

    However, some classes are based on a system ongoing evaluation, using the зачёт system. In this regard, зачёт has two meanings (though both are related):

    1) Throughout the year, it is a part of ongoing evaluation, often as "academic works" or "tests" (and a way to "mark" the student's the attendance to lecture). In this regard, it is pretty similar to the system in most Western universities. That is to say, we do not have only a final exam in the end, but there is also a bunch of works and tests (i.e. essays, labs, midterms, quizzes.. etc) all before the final exam, and they all count towards the mark. In Russia, these are all collectively called "зачёты." Some notes, however:

    - Зачёты vary by subject ("предмет"). For example, for chemistry, зачёты can be in the form of lab works, or any test the professor might give. Same goes for language, where зачёты can be quizzes, translation homework, compositions, oral tests, etc. These courses have зачёты in addition to the final exam.
    - However, a зачёт can be just one single test shortly before the final exam, and it usually has its own сессия ("зачетная сессия" vs. "экзаменационная сессия").
    - As we can see with the subjects I mentioned, a зачёт test focuses only on the practical aspects of the subject, whereas the экзамен focuses on the theoretical aspects. So, in addition to these examples, mathematics has one зачёт and a final экзамен. During a mathematics зачёт, students often solve mathematical problems (using calculators and so forth), whereas in the экзамен they deal with mathematical theories mostly. Such is the case for foreign languages as well (I THINK, I'm not sure), your зачёты are quizzes/tess/translations and so forth, whereas the экзамен deals with grammar mostly (Оля here can explain it to us, since she's taken many foreign languages in university).
    - In either case, however, you have to pass the зачёт(ы) in order to be allowed to take the final exam during the exam period.
    - Since зачёты, as I said, focus on the practical aspects of the subject, some courses (the "practical" ones) are based entirely on the зачёт system, such as physical education or photography, and there is no экзамен obviously since there is no "theory" involved.

    So, in sum, most courses in Russian universities have only one экзамен, which defines the grade at the end of the academic term. Anything (practical) they do in addition to the экзамен is called зачёт.

    And that leads me to second meaning:

    2) It might sound weird at first, but when you do/pass all your зачёты ("сдать зачёт(ы)") for a given subject, you get a зачёт ("получить зачёт"). In this regard, the second meaning of зачёт is "credit" (though not always). If the course has no final exam, then you just get а зачёт, which means you passed the course (since grades are normally given based on the final exam only). If the subject/course has both зачет(ы) and an экзамен, then you need to get a зачёт in order to be allowed to take final exam.

    Hope that helped.
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