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Thread: whats wrong

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    whats wrong

    как правильно

    it doesnt good


    it isnt good
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  2. #2
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    It isn't good

  3. #3
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    thx a lot, but i cant understand why
    I am looking for an englishspeaking person, who is studying russian. Preferably in Moscow, for personal practice.

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  4. #4
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    Do/does can only be use in combination with other verbs. So if you would like to say "он работает не хорошо" it would be "he doesn't work well".

    It is good/ It isn't good. Это хорошо/ Это не хорошо.

    It's does (verb) well/ It doesn't (verb) well. (глагол)-т хорошо/ не (глагол)-т хорошо.

    Xoroший=good. хорошо= well (except in "It is good").

    To complicate matters, you could say "he does good/bad" / "he doesn't do good/bad". And in the meaning of (с)делать. Он делает работу.
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  5. #5
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    Потому что does используется для отрицания действия (глаголов), а is используется для отрицания наличия/существования чего-либо. Когда ты говоришь «It is good» ты не ведёшь речь а каком-либо действии, ты просто утверждаешь, что существует некоторый предмет, обозначаемый местоимением «это», который ты считаешь хорошим. Соответственно, если ты полагаешь, что предмет не хороший, то просто вставляешь частицу not. It is not good.

    Предложение «It doesn't good» на русский можно перевести примерно как «Оно не хорошеет» потому что после слова don't/doesn't должен стоять глагол. Из этого можно заключить, что существует некий глагол «to good» (хорошеть). Совершенно понятно, что это бред (с англоязычной точки зрения; в русском языке глагол «хорошеть» таки существует ).

  6. #6
    JJ is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tu-160
    Из этого можно заключить, что существует некий глагол «to good» (хорошеть). Совершенно понятно, что это бред (с англоязычной точки зрения; в русском языке глагол «хорошеть» таки существует ).
    А также "плохеть" - "to bad", краснеть - "to red" и т.д. и т.п. Воистину, великий и могучий...
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  7. #7
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    I am looking for an englishspeaking person, who is studying russian. Preferably in Moscow, for personal practice.

    contact me icq 1000400, or by mail.

  8. #8
    Почтенный гражданин
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    I didn't understand everything you were saying, but I believe you are under the impression that there are verbs like "to good", "to bad" and "to red". There aren't. Under no circumstances.
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  9. #9
    al is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jasper May
    I didn't understand everything you were saying, but I believe you are under the impression that there are verbs like "to good", "to bad" and "to red". There aren't. Under no circumstances.
    No. That's exactly what he has just said - there are no such verbs
    BTW, what about "In English every noun can be verbed"?
    Хорошо не просто там где нас нет, а там где нас никогда и не было.

  10. #10
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Quote Originally Posted by JJ
    Quote Originally Posted by Tu-160
    Из этого можно заключить, что существует некий глагол «to good» (хорошеть). Совершенно понятно, что это бред (с англоязычной точки зрения; в русском языке глагол «хорошеть» таки существует ).
    А также "плохеть" - "to bad", краснеть - "to red" и т.д. и т.п. Воистину, великий и могучий...
    Perhaps you mean "to become good", "to become bad," "to become red" or even "to turn red."

    My dictionary says "(по)хорошеть - to become prettier"

    So, we cannot say in English "to good" or "to bad" or "to red" -- it makes no sense in English.

    We also do not say "will can" as in "Я смогу" -- we must say "I will be able." "Я могу" = "I can" or "I am able" to do something.
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    профессор: "По-меньше спать!"

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by al
    BTW, what about "In English every noun can be verbed"?

    I don't even know why we label our words in english, u can make just about any word fit into any other category, but it's usually where slang comes from.

    a good example is the word F***.

    a better example i think is .. hmm.. the word "Word".

    Word, noun. but it can be a verb to, for example, maybe if there was a student in school and he said somthing like "This school is freaking retarded". and then the teacher would say "Could you please word that diffrently" and then, the kid, avoiding trouble would say "I dislike school very much". we already had a topic about this before, when somone was talking about google, then somone said "Wow americans can make verbs out of anything" and then somone said "I googled".
    Вот это да, я так люблю себя. И сегодня я люблю себя, ещё больше чем вчера, а завтра я буду любить себя to ещё больше чем сегодня. Тем что происходит,я вполне доволен!

  12. #12
    You can make verbs out of many (if not all) of these nouns--although the intransitive ones are a lot more common.

    His face reddened. (int)
    The newspapers were yellowing under the sunlight. (int)
    Her condition worsened. (int)
    We are bluing some of the eggs for Easter. (tr) (Nobody would say this, but it is nevertheless a real verb!).

    By the way, this Googling conversation occurred between Tu-160 and myself.

  13. #13
    Почтенный гражданин
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    you could probably do this to all nouns but there would be no point in most cases. Starting with some A's:

    I aardvarked him. (what?!)
    The girl abacussed her father. (did it hurt?)
    I aboded her. (did she pay me rent?)
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  14. #14
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Going back to the original question...

    The only verb that CAN be followed by an adjective is the verb "to be," because it describes the subject of the sentence.

    All other verbs must be followed by an adverb, which describes the verb, not the subject.

    In the original sentence: "It doesn't good" is mainly incorrect because "good" is an adjective. To correct this problem, you could try saying "It does not well," but unfortunately, this won't work either. Instead, you must say, "It doesn't do well" to be correct.

    Compare the following:

    It is good: It is a good thing
    It is well: It is feeling well / It is healthy
    It does well: It performs well / It is doing well (at something)

    Also compare:
    Question: Answer:
    How is it? It is not good.
    How is it (feeling)? It is not well.
    How is it doing? It is not doing well. / It is doing poorly.

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