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Thread: Searchin' for literary sources

  1. #1
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    Searchin' for literary sources

    Ladies and Gentlemen, does anybody have "the Luzhin Defense" by Vladimir Nabokov at home? I do have the original but i cannot find an english translation.
    P.S. This must be Mr. Nabokov
    Verweile doch - du bist so schoen!

  2. #2
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    Re: Searchin' for literary sources

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharikoff
    Ladies and Gentlemen, does anybody have "the Luzhin Defense" by Vladimir Nabokov at home? I do have the original but i cannot find an english translation.
    P.S. This must be Mr. Nabokov
    Why yes, as a matter of fact I have it sitting right next to me, but that doesn't mean I'm going to send it to you. I'm sure someone else around here will, though.

    What do you mean by "It must me Mr. Nabokov"? Do you mean you want the author to send it to you, or that you will only accept copies of this book written by Nabokov? Darn, mine's written by Tolstoy

    If you mean "Where can I find it on the net", I looked in, but I couldn't find it It's probably on some Russian e-book library somewhere...

  3. #3
    Подающий надежды оратор
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    I mean that this smiley ( ) looks very much like Mr. Nabokov in his early days.
    Dear Pravit, I am not looking for someone to send me a whole book. There is a passage there which is of great interest to me, in the framework of my theses, so i was just asking if somebody has the book in English as well as technical means to scan less than a page, and some good will, of course.
    Verweile doch - du bist so schoen!

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